Volcanic activity world-wide 6-7 November 2012

Rain's picture

Source: Volcano Discovery, By T, 11/07/12

Bird’s eye view of Raung Volcano - , Jawa Timur

Raung Volcano in 2006.

Strombolian activity has been observed at Raung volcano in East Java during a visit by two of our local expedition organizers in Indonesia.

Paluweh volcano (Rokatenda) volcano on Floresproduces a strong gas plume visible on a MODIS - AQUA satellite image taken at 5:40 (UTC) today, suggesting that significant eruptive activity continues from the volcano.

Popocatépetl's activity remains fluctuating between low to moderate. During 5-6 Oct, there was only about 1 weak explosion per hour with no or little ash content and plumes of up to 1 km height. Glow from the crater remains visible at night.

Activity of Fuego volcano remains stable with weak strombolian explosions and the effusion of a lava flow on the southern flank, 600 m long on 6 Nov.

The lava flows from Santiaguito's lava dome remain active and there are occasional weak to moderate explosions with ash plumes rising up to about 800 m above the crater.

Elevated volcano-tectonic seismic activity continues at Nevado del Ruiz volcano volcano in Colombia. Steam columns reach up to 2 km above the volcano and there are occasional weak ash explosions.

Seismic activity at Galeras volcano remained at fluctuating levels with a slight decrease compared to the previous week. Occasional gas and ash emissions were observed.

Elevated seismicity, but lower than in previous weeks, continued under Cumbal volcano with 2 swarms of quakes with 79 and 81 events on 2 and 4 November.

As well in Colombia, weakly elevated seismic activity also continues under Cerro Machin and Sotará volcanoes.

Another small seismic swarm has occurred (or started) yesterday near
Mammoth Mountain in California, with about 20 very small quakes located at about 6 km east of the volcano at depths mostly between 10 and 5 km.

In New Zealand, Tongariro volcano continues to show increased degassing mainly from the Te Maari eruption site. The hottest temperature measured from gas vents in this area was 235 °C, while others range from 95 °C to 104 °C (GeoNet). Seismic activity overall has remained low with only few earthquakes. GeoNet maintains alert level 1 and aviation color code yellow.

White Island volcano has had no significant changes in its degassing activity over the past months. Continuous volcanic tremor can be seen on seismic recordings, reflecting fluid movements (mainly gasses) within the volcano's plumbing system.

Satellite observations:
Strong SO2 emissions are visible from Bagana volcano in Papua New Guinea, Dukono Volcano (Halmahera, Indonesia), and from Nyiragongo in Central Africa.
