Volcanic activity world-wide 9-10 January 2013

Rain's picture

Source: Volcano Discovery - 1/11/13

Strong explosion of a lava bubble from Stromboli's NE vent on 10 Jan evening

Strong explosion of a lava bubble from Stromboli's NE vent on 10 Jan evening

Etna (Sicily, Italy): This night at around 1:00 am local time, eruptive activity, most likely strombolian eruptions from the eastern vent, resumed in the Bocca Nuova, accompanied by a rise in tremor.
Stromboli (Eolian Island, Italy): New lava overflows occurred this night and this morning of the SE crater. Strong detonations from large exploding magma bubbles can be felt and heard in the village, rattling doors and windows.

Santa María / Santiaguito (Guatemala): Effusive activity has apparently increased, as INSIVUMEH reports that the SE and NE lava flows descending from the dome are advancing about 5-7 meters per day. This implies a relatively high effusion rate from the summit vent feeding the flows. Explosive activity remains very weak in contrast.
Fuego (Guatemala): Weak strombolian activity can be seen at night. Ash plumes from these explosions rise about 400 m above the crater. The lava flow on the SE flank remains active and had a length of 800 m yesterday morning.

Shiveluch (Kamchatka): Activity continues to build the lava dome which sheds hot avalanches from time to time. Incandescence above the summit of the lava dome was observed. Satellite data shows a thermal anomaly over the volcano. Moderate seismicity and strong degassing accompany this activity.

Kizimen (Kamchatka): The new summit lava dome of Kizimen seems to have undergone a larger collapse event earlier this morning, as our colleagues on activolcans.info reported. What was likely a pyroclastic flow could be seen on webcam images. Intense steaming was seen on both the northern and eastern flank, suggesting that both sides were affected by the flow. Ash emissions reported shortly after by Tokyo VAAC reached an altitude of about 3600 m altitude.

Alaid (Kurile Islands): KVERT lowered the level of activity of the volcano back to green. After mid December, no more signs of activity have been recorded.
Iliamna (Alaska): Alert level has been put back to "green", after a gradual decline in seismic activity has been observed since March 2012, even though some earthquakes are still being registered under the volcano.
Little Sitkin (Alaska): After a gradual overall decrease in seismicity during the past months, AVO has put the alert level of Little Sitkin volcano back to green.

