Volcanic activity world-wide 9-10 November 2012

Rain's picture

Source: VolcanoDiscovery.com, By T, 11/10/12

Karymski volcano


An explosion occurred from Karymski volcano in Kamchatka at 22h15 on 9 Nov GMT), producing an ash plume rising to 18,000 ft (5 km) altitude and quickly drifting south (Tokyo VAAC). 4 hours later, the ash had dissipated.

Popocatépetl, Mexico: Activity remains essentially unchanged with a slow rise of magma into the crater of the volcano where a lava dome is growing. The rate of steam and sometimes small ash emissions has dropped a bit with 32 events during 8-9 Nov. When not obscured by clouds, incandescence is visible at night and an impressive SO2 emission can be detected, typical for a volcano that ranks as one of the top SO2 producers world-wide.

Activity of Fuego volcano has been becoming more typical strombolian-style, with explosions less ashy, but richer in incandescent material. During 8-9 Nov, there were 15 strombolian explosions with ash plumes of 3-500 m height and incandescent bombs being ejected to 150-200 m height, lasting 25-40 seconds, and generating avalanches on the upper outer crater flanks. The lava flow toward Ash Canyon was 500 meters long and produced block avalanches that reached the vegetation line.

Eruptive activity at Reventador volcano (Ecuador) has been showing an increasing trend over the past week with more frequent explosions taking place. New ash emissions weres recorded earlier this morning.

Seismic activity at Nevado del Ruiz volcano has calmed down considerably, but few weak quakes and emission signals remain visible.

Sakurajima volcano continued to be unusually active during 9 Nov with 4 moderate explosions that ejected ash plumes to altitudes of 8-13,000 ft (2.4-4 km).

Manam volcano in Papua New Guinea produced a SO2 plume.

In New Zealand, Tongariro volcano's seismic activity has been calm compared to most of the previous months.

