Volcanic activity worldwide 16 Aug 2013: Pacaya, Copahue, Karymsky, Veniaminof, Batu Tara

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volcanodiscovery-Aug 16, 2013

Karymsky (Kamchatka): An explosion probably occurred last night (inferred from seismic data), and might have produced an ash plume of up to 20,000 ft (7.5 km) elevation, Tokyo VAAC reported.

Batu Tara (Sunda Islands, Indonesia): Strombolian activity, sometimes strong, continues. A plume rose to 5,000 ft (1.5 km) altitude and drifted 70 nautical miles to the west earlier today (VAAC Darwin).

Veniaminof (Alaska Peninsula, USA): The eruption continues with lava effusion from the intracaldera cone, accompanied by strong tremor, AVO reports.

Pacaya (Guatemala): Another paroxysm with strong strombolian explosions and a lava flow occurred last night from the Mackenney crater. Starting at about 19:15 (local time), eruptive activity increased accompanied by volcanic tremor. Strombolian explosions ejected bombs and blocks to a height of 500 m above the crater and showered the outer flanks.
VAAC Washington issued a bulletin but was unable to identify the height of the ash plume from satellite data. Ash fall was reported from nearby villages such as El Rodeo and El Patrocinio. At the height of the eruption, a lava flow issued from the west flank and reached a distance of 500 m.
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Copahue (Chile/Argentina): Incandescence was observed last night from the crater. SERNAGEOMIN has not commented on possible renewed activity or changes at the volcano, but maintains alert level yellow.
Since early July, seismic and degassing activity had decreased and the last eruptive activity noted was weak ash emission on 6 July.

Read More: http://www.volcanodiscovery.com/volcano-activity/news/36412/Volcanic-activity-worldwide-16-Aug-2013-Pacaya-Copahue-Karymsky-Veniaminof-Batu-Tara.html

