Volcano Discovery Sunday Nov 03, 2013 12:25 PM |
Current tremor signal (ESLN station, INGV Catania)
First of the two pyroclastic flows yesterday at Shiveluch
Santiaguito lava dome yesterday morning (INSIVUMEH webcam)
Current seismic signal from Fuego volcano (FG3 station, INSIVUMEH)
Small ash explosion from Reventador yesterday evening (IGPEN webcam)
Current seismic recording from Tungurahua (RETU station, IGPEN)
A new island appeared in the Zubair archipelago on or before 23 Oct (Google Earth image for comparison) (source: Blog Culture Volcan)
Stromboli (Eolian Islands, Italy): Activity has remained similar since our previous visit 9 days ago: most activity is at the NW crater (towards Ginostra), where 3 vents are active and produce mild to strong strombolian explosions (to heights of up to 250 m approx) at rates of one every 5 minutes approximately, mostly from the eastern vent and sometimes from the tall hornito to the north. The eastern vent also shows weak spattering and continuous glow, suggesting a high magma level within its conduit.
No activity was observed from the central crater, and the NE vent activity is weak with infrequent (20-30 minutes intervals) loud gas emissions, and only sometimes lava ejections to heights of 100-150 m.
Etna (Sicily, Italy): Tremor and surface activity have continued to decrease. Once more, Etna has surprised us, this time by NOT producing a second paroxysm shortly (few days) after the one 26 Oct (as it often did after the first such eruption in the past).
Klyuchevskoy (Kamchatka): The eruption seems to have ended. No more lava flows or strombolian explosions were seen during the past days.
KVERT reports moderate seismic activity of the volcano and strong degassing at the summit.
Karymsky (Kamchatka): A volcanic ash plume was observed yesterday at 10,000 ft (3 km) altitude, indicating a likely explosion of moderate size had occurred earlier. The volcano has been in a state of intermittent strombolian to vulcanian explosive activity for years.
Shiveluch (Kamchatka): Extrusion of viscous lava at the dome continues to feed at least 2 thick lava flows on the SW, NW and NE slopes. Two larger partial dome collapses occurred yesterday, producing pyroclastic flows and ash plumes that rose to altitudes of 23,000 ft (7 km).
Sakurajima (Kyushu, Japan): Since the larger explosions on 27 Oct, the volcano has been a bit calmer with on average 2 explosions per day ejecting ash plumes to 7-10,000 ft (2-3 km) altitude.
Sinabung (Sumatra, Indonesia): Explosive activity from the summit crater continued to occur intermittently. At 16:00 on 31 Oct, an explosion produced a small ash plume and an avalanche of blocks on the ESE flank that traveled about 800 m down the flank. Other explosions were reported to have occurred during the night 31 Oct-1 Nov at 23:17 and 23:30 (local time).
Popocatépetl (Central Mexico): No significant change in activity have occurred recently. The volcano produces frequent (on average 3 per hour) steam and sometimes small ash emissions / explosions and continues to show weak crater glow at night.
Santa María / Santiaguito (Guatemala): In recent days the eruptive activity has increased, in particular towards more effusive activity. The Caliente lava dome produced a higher rate of lava extrusion at the edges of the dome and explosions at a rate of approx. one per hour with ash plumes of up to 500 m drifting in westerly directions.
The volcano observatory warns that rapid accumulation of fresh deposits (lava flows and tephra) the risk of pyroclastic flows generated on the steep flanks of the dome is elevated, mainly on the east, south and western flanks.
Pacaya (Guatemala): Mild to moderate strombolian activity with ejections of incandescent lava to heights of 50-100 m above the Mackenney crater continues.
Fuego (Guatemala): Weak to moderate strombolian activity at the summit craters continues with little changes. Ash plumes rose to up to 500 m above the crater and drifted about 10 km in westerly directions, where light ash falls occurred in San Pedro Yepocapa and the villages of Sangre de Cristo, Morelia, Panimaché. The stronger explosions produce often loud rumblings and incandescent avalanches on the upper slopes.
Reventador (Ecuador): Sporadic explosions of small to moderate size continue to occur at the summit vent. A pilot observed an ash plume at 22,000 ft (6.7 km) altitude last night.
Tungurahua (Ecuador): Activity is at moderate levels, characterized by relatively infrequent and small ash explosions.
During early October, strombolian activity had increased and explosions have become more frequent (60-100 per day) and ash-rich, sometimes accompanied by loud shock waves. Between 20 and 23 October, activity started to decrease to 20-35 explosions per day with steam and ash columns 2-3 km high, drifting mainly to westerly directions and causing fine ash fall in Palitagua, Chogluntús, El Manzano, Penipe, and Riobamba .
Deflation was recorded in late October, interpreted as the result of degassing and depressurization caused by the numerous explosions. IGPEN is not certain whether the decrease in activity during late Oct is a signal that the eruptive phase is ending or whether it will increase again in the near future.
Jebel Zubair (Red Sea): A new island has emerged in late Oct at the submarine eruption site, but the exact date is currently not known. At the moment, satellite images do not allow to determine whether eruptive activity at the island continues, but suggest that it is currently low or has stopped. If any, it might be strombolian or the effusion of small lava flows. The last ash /steam plume was spotted a MODIS satellite image on 30 Oct.
Volcano Activity Summary for 3 Nov 2013:
Currently erupting:
Ambrym (Vanuatu): active lava lakes in several craters (updated 16 Sep 2013)
Bagana (Bougainville Island, Papua New Guinea): ash explosions (updated 3 Oct 2013)
Barren Island (Indian Ocean): new eruption in mid October 2013 (updated 17 Oct 2013)
Batu Tara (Sunda Islands, Indonesia): strombolian explosions, ash plumes up to 500 m, extrusion of a small lava dome with rockfalls (updated 10 Oct 2013)
Chirinkotan (Northern Kuriles): unspecified activity - possibly lava flows (updated 2 Sep 2013)
Cleveland (Aleutian Islands, Alaska): continuous small eruptions (updated 6 May 2013)
Colima (Western Mexico): lava flow on upper eastern flank (updated 19 Jul 2013)
Dukono (Halmahera): thermal anomaly, probably small explosive activity in summit crater (updated 23 Oct 2013)
Erebus (Antarctica): active lava lake in summit crater (updated 21 Jan 2012)
Erta Ale (Ethiopia): active lava lake in northern pit crater, active hornito with intermittend flow in southern crater (updated 11 Jan 2013)
Etna (Sicily, Italy): paroxysm at New SE crater on 26 Oct 13 (updated 26 Oct 2013)
Fuego (Guatemala): lava flow on upper southern flank, small to moderate explosions (updated 3 Nov 2013)
Ibu (Halmahera, Indonesia): growing lava dome, seismic unrest (updated 23 Oct 2013)
Jebel Zubair (Red Sea): submarine eruption started 28 Sep 2013 (updated 3 Nov 2013)
Karymsky (Kamchatka): occasional small explosions, thermal anomaly (updated 3 Nov 2013)
Kilauea (Hawai'i): lava lakes in Halemau'uma'u and Pu'u 'O'o, lava flows on coastal flat and weakly active ocean entries (updated 13 Aug 2013)
Kizimen (Kamchatka): growing lava dome and incandescent rock avalanches (updated 15 Oct 2013)
Marapi (Western Sumatra, Indonesia): occasional weak explosions (updated 14 Aug 2013)
Nyiragongo (DRCongo): active lava lake in summit crater (updated 12 Jun 2013)
Ol Doinyo Lengai (Tanzania): effusion of natrocarbonatite lava inside the crater (updated 8 Jul 2013)
Pacaya (Guatemala): strombolian activity and lava flow (updated 3 Nov 2013)
Paluweh (off Flores Island, Indonesia): active growing lava dome (updated 12 Aug 2013)
Rabaul (Tavurvur) (New Britain, Papua New Guinea): explosions and ash emissions (updated 1 Oct 2013)
Reventador (Ecuador): ash explosions, occasional pyroclastic flows (updated 3 Nov 2013)
Sakurajima (Kyushu, Japan): constant ash emissions and strong explosions (updated 3 Nov 2013)
Santa María / Santiaguito (Guatemala): Santiaguito volcano (Guatemala): lava flow on south flank of dome becomes more active (updated 3 Nov 2013)
Semeru (East Java, Indonesia): growing lava dome, ash venting and small to moderate explosions (updated 18 Oct 2013)
Shiveluch (Kamchatka): slow dome growth, occasional explosions and pyroclastic flows (updated 3 Nov 2013)
Sinabung (Sumatra, Indonesia): ash emissions and explosions (updated 3 Nov 2013)
Stromboli (Eolian Islands, Italy): continuing lava overflows (updated 3 Nov 2013)
Suwanose-jima (Ryukyu Islands): Mt Ontake volcano of Suwanose-jima Island, Japan (updated 12 Sep 2013)
Telica (Nicaragua): normal (low) seismic activity (updated 26 Sep 2013)
Tungurahua (Ecuador): strombolian activity, strong ash emissions (updated 3 Nov 2013)
Ulawun (New Britain, Papua New Guinea): steaming, degassing (updated 1 Oct 2013)
Yasur (Tanna Island, Vanuatu): strong strombolian activity (level 3), crater currently closed (updated 10 Sep 2013)
Zhupanovsky (Kamchatka, Russia): new explosive activity since 23 Oct (updated 24 Oct 2013)
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