Volcanic activity worldwide 4 Feb 2013

Rain's picture

Source: Volcano Discovery - 2/04/13

MODIS hot spot from the recent lava flows on Tolbachik

MODIS hot spot from the recent lava flows on Tolbachik

SO2 from Ambrym today (NOAA)

SO2 from Ambrym today (NOAA)

Current seismic signal from Colima volcano last night (SOMA station, Univ. Colima)

Current seismic signal from Colima volcano last night (SOMA station, Univ. Colima)

Popocatépetl last night (CENAPRED webcam)

Popocatépetl last night (CENAPRED webcam)

Map of the earthquake near San Cristobal this morning

Map of the earthquake near San Cristobal this morning

Current seismic signal from Reventador (CONE station, IG)

Current seismic signal from Reventador (CONE station, IG)

Tolbachik (Kamchatka): The eruption continues with well-fed lava flows from the southern fissure. Tremor has decreased a bit compared to yesterday, but remains strong, KVERT reports. None of the other volcanoes in Kamchatka has showed significant changes in activity.

Sakurajima (Kyushu, Japan): After a phase of several relatively strong explosions with ash plumes often reaching 10,000 ft (3 km) during 31 Jan - 2 Feb, the volcano seems to have taken a short rest, with only two small eruptions recorded during the past 48 hours.

Tavurvur (Papua New Guinea): More ash emissions and explosions have occurred during the past days.

Batu Tara (Indonesia) is back more often on this list: A moderately strong explosion this morning produced an ash plume rising to 7,000 ft (2.1 km) which drifted 60 nautical miles to the west.

White Island (New Zealand): Unchanged strong continuous tremor but with a bit less earthquakes than yesterday accompany strong degassing.

In Mexico, Colima volcano continues with small explosions, rockfalls and volcanic tremor. Popocatépetl has slowed down its rate of emissions to only 1 per 2 hours during yesterday, but there is still glow at the summit and an important (but decreased compared to last week) gas (SO2) plume emitted.
A shallow magnitude 3.2 earthquake occurred yesterday under the western flank.

San Cristobal (Nicaragua): A shallow magnitude 2.7 earthquake occurred this morning about 20 km NW of the volcano. Pulses of tremor and numerous aftershocks are visible on the current seismogram. There are no reports about other unusual activity at the volcano.
Masaya (Nicaragua): Tremor has eased a bit today and is close to background levels.

San Miguel (El Salvador): Tremor has remained at unchanged, weak levels today.

Reventador (Ecuador): Seismic activity with continuous strong tremor continues, but cloud cover prevented direct observations of the ongoing activity (likely lava dome grown with lava flow extrusion as well as ash emissions).

Tungurahua (Ecuador): The volcano's seismic activity remains stable, but elevated with the occurrence of numerous long period events related to fluid movement within the edifice. Bad weather prevented direct observation of surface activity.

Copahue (Chile/Argentina): Activity has increased again. Sernageomin reported 92 seismic events during 2-3 Jan and the occurrence of a seismic swarm on the evening of 2 Jan. A degassing plume was observed rising up to 1350 m, whose intensity was without apparent correlation to seismicity.

Ambrym (Vanuatu): A prominent SO2 plume emanating from Ambrym is visible on today's NOAA satellite data image.

Volcano Activity Summary for 4 Feb 2013:

Currently erupting:

Ambrym (Vanuatu): active lava lakes in several craters (updated 4 Feb 2013)
Batu Tara (Sunda Islands, Indonesia): strombolian explosions, ash plumes up to 500 m, extrusion of a small lava dome with rockfalls (updated 4 Feb 2013)
Colima (Western Mexico): rockfalls, intermittent ash emissions (updated 4 Feb 2013)
Erebus (Antarctica): active lava lake in summit crater (updated 21 Jan 2012)
Erta Ale (Ethiopia): active lava lake in northern pit crater, active hornito with intermittend flow in southern crater (updated 11 Jan 2013)
Etna (Sicily, Italy): intermittent strombolian activity from Bocca Nuova and New SE crater (updated 28 Jan 2013)
Fuego (Guatemala): effusion of la lava flow, small strombolian explosions (updated 3 Feb 2013)
Gamalama (Halmahera): ash eruptions since 17 Sep (updated 17 Sep 2012)
Karkar (Northeast of New Guinea): possible ash eruption on 1 February (updated 29 Jan 2013)
Kilauea (Hawai'i): lava lakes in Halemau'uma'u and Pu'u 'O'o, lava flows on coastal flat and weakly active ocean entries (updated 26 Jan 2013)
Kizimen (Kamchatka): growing lava dome, lava flow on eastern flank, avalanches (updated 29 Jan 2013)
Lokon-Empung (North Sulawesi, Indonesia): frequent small to moderate ash explosions (updated 3 Feb 2013)
Manam (Papua New Guinea): occasional ash emissions (updated 30 Jan 2013)
Nyiragongo (DRCongo): active lava lake in summit crater (updated 28 Jan 2013)
Ol Doinyo Lengai (Tanzania): spattering and lava flows of natrocarbonatite lava inside the summit crater (updated 9 Dec 2012)
Paluweh (off Flores Island, Indonesia): active growing lava dome (updated 3 Feb 2013)
Rabaul (Tavurvur) (New Britain, Papua New Guinea): intermittent ash explosions (updated 4 Feb 2013)
Raung (East Java): mild strombolian eruption inside the crater (updated 8 Nov 2012)
Reventador (Ecuador): growing lava dome, lava flows on upper flank, frequent explosions (updated 4 Feb 2013)
Sakurajima (Kyushu, Japan): 0-3 weak to moderate vulcanian-style explosions per day, ash clouds up to 2-3 km altitude (updated 4 Feb 2013)
Santa María / Santiaguito (Guatemala): advancing viscous active lava flows, weak occasional explosions (updated 3 Feb 2013)
Semeru (East Java, Indonesia): growing lava dome, ash venting and small to moderate explosions (updated 25 Jul 2012)
Shiveluch (Kamchatka): slow dome growth, occasional explosions and pyroclastic flows (updated 21 Jan 2013)
Stromboli (Eolian Islands, Italy): strong strombolian explosions, intermittent small lava overspills (updated 3 Feb 2013)
Tolbachik (Kamchatka): effusion of fluid lava flows (updated 4 Feb 2013)
Yasur (Tanna Island, Vanuatu): strong strombolian activity (level 3), crater currently closed (updated 2 Aug 2012)

Eruption warning / minor activity:

Bagana (Bougainville Island, Papua New Guinea): occasional ash explosions (updated 24 Jan 2013)
Bezymianny (Central Kamchatka Depression): slow lava flow extrusion from dome (updated 11 Jan 2013)
Chirpoi (Kurile Islands, Russia): thermal anomaly at summit crater, steaming (updated 9 Jan 2013)
Copahue (Chile/Argentina): seismic swarms (updated 4 Feb 2013)
Dukono (Halmahera): thermal anomaly, probably small explosive activity in summit crater (updated 7 Nov 2012)
Galeras (Colombia): seismic unrest, occasional ash venting (updated 3 Feb 2013)
Gorely (Southern Kamchatka): strong steaming (updated 23 Jan 2013)
Heard (Australia, Southern Indian Ocean): thermal anomaly at summit crater (updated 31 Jan 2013)
Ibu (Halmahera, Indonesia): Thermal anomalies indicate continuing eruption, possible lava dome growth (updated 18 Oct 2012)
Karangetang (Siau Island, Sangihe Islands, Indonesia): hot spot visible at the summit (updated 27 Jan 2013)
Karymsky (Kamchatka): occasional small explosions, thermal anomaly (updated 29 Jan 2013)
Kirishima (Kyushu): degassing, slightly increased seismic activity (updated 30 Jul 2012)
Kliuchevskoi (Kamchatka): strombolian activity in summit crater (updated 29 Jan 2013)
Krakatau (Sunda Strait, Indonesia): strong degassing (updated 1 Oct 2012)
Langila (New Britain, Papua New Guinea): occasional ash explosions (updated 25 Sep 2012)
Marapi (Western Sumatra, Indonesia): frequent small ash emissions (updated 11 Dec 2012)
Medvezhia (Kurile Islands, Russia): strong steaming, thermal anomaly (updated 17 Jan 2013)
Nevado del Ruiz (Colombia): steaming, low-level seismic unrest (updated 3 Feb 2013)
Nyamuragira (DRCongo): strong degassing from summit crater (updated 27 Apr 2012)
Pagan (Mariana Islands): steaming, thermal anomaly (updated 12 Dec 2012)
Poas (Costa Rica): Small phreatic explosions on 29 October (updated 30 Oct 2012)
Popocatépetl (Central Mexico): steaming, about 1 weak explosion per hour, crater glow (updated 4 Feb 2013)
Rincón de la Vieja (Costa Rica): small phreatic eruption on 11 April (updated 6 Oct 2012)
Sangay (Ecuador): no recent explosions reported (updated 26 Jan 2013)
Soputan (North Sulawesi, Indonesia): new eruption on 18 (updated 9 Nov 2012)
Soufriere Hills (Montserrat, West Indies (UK)): occassional small pyroclastic flows by rock falls (updated 27 Sep 2012)
Suwanose-jima (Ryukyu Islands): steaming, occasional weak eruptions, elevated seismicity (updated 3 Oct 2012)
Tinakula (Santa Cruz Islands, Solomon Islands): steaming, possibly ash eruptions (updated 1 Feb 2013)
Tungurahua (Ecuador): steaming, seismic unrest (updated 4 Feb 2013)
Turrialba (Costa Rica): vigorous steaming, occasional phreatic explosions (updated 18 Dec 2012)
Ulawun (New Britain, Papua New Guinea): ash emissions and rumblings heard (updated 2 Jan 2013)
Villarrica (Central Chile): weak deep-seated explosive activity, steaming (updated 20 Jan 2013)
White Island (New Zealand): vigorous degassing, strong hydrothermal activity (updated 4 Feb 2013)

Restless / uncertain activity:

Aoba (Vanuatu): steaming, degassing (updated 26 Dec 2012)
Askja (Central Iceland): increased seismicity (updated 14 Dec 2012)
Bárdarbunga (Iceland): earthquake swarm (updated 26 Jan 2013)
Bromo (East Java, Indonesia): seismic unrest, steaming (updated 3 Oct 2012)
Campi Flegrei (Phlegrean Fields) (Italy): sciame sismico (updated 7 Jan 2013)
Chaitén (Southern Chile and Argentina)
Changbaishan (China / North Korea border): increased seismic and degassing activity, deformation (updated 29 Sep 2012)
Cleveland (Aleutian Islands, Alaska): elevated temperature at summit crater (updated 27 Jan 2013)
Concepción (Nicaragua): seismic unrest (updated 23 Jan 2013)
Cumbal (Colombia): continuing seismic swarms (updated 31 Jan 2013)
El Hierro (Canary Islands, Spain): elevated number of earthquakes (updated 26 Jan 2013)
Gamkonora (Halmahera): alert level lowered to yellow (updated 14 Sep 2012)
Gaua (Vanuatu)
Hekla (Iceland): Small but very shallow 1.2 magnitude earthquake at 21:13 UTC on 15 Feb 2012 (updated 14 Sep 2012)
Ijen (East Java, Indonesia): increased steaming and seismicity, alert level raised on 24 July (updated 17 Apr 2012)
Irazu (Costa Rica)
Iwo-jima (Volcano Islands): weak degassing, occasional volcanic tremors (updated 22 Jan 2013)
Katla (Southern Iceland): occasional seismic swarms (updated 17 Aug 2012)
Kerinci (Sumatra)
Ketoi (Kurile Islands, Russia)
Kuchinoerabu-jima (Ryukyu Islands)
Kverkfjöll (Eastern Iceland): occasional small earthquake swarms (updated 21 Oct 2012)
Lewotobi (Flores): steaming and seismic activity decreased, alert lowered back to 1 (out of 4) (updated 5 Apr 2012)
Loihi (United States, Hawaiian Islands): Magnitude 4.2 earthquake at Loihi (updated 26 Nov 2012)
Machin (Colombia): elevated seismic activity (updated 2 Feb 2013)
Masaya (Nicaragua): elevated seismic activity (updated 4 Feb 2013)
Mauna Loa (Big Island, Hawai'i)
Mayon (Luzon Island): steaming, increased earthquakes, slight inflation (updated 11 Nov 2012)
Merapi (Central Java): Dome collapse sometime in October (updated 21 Oct 2012)
Mt Fuji (Honshu): earthquakes at the end of January and in February 2012, new craters reported, increasing fumarolic activity (updated 9 Sep 2012)
Nevado del Huila (Colombia): degassing (updated 31 Jan 2013)
Pacaya (Guatemala): seismic unrest (updated 29 Jan 2013)
Papandayan (West Java): alert status back to 2 (updated 1 Feb 2012)
Reclus (Southern Chile and Argentina): increased number of earthquakes (updated 31 Aug 2012)
Rinjani (Lombok)
Ruapehu (North Island): seismic unrest (updated 24 Jan 2013)
San Cristobal (Nicaragua): seismic unrest (updated 4 Feb 2013)
San Miguel (El Salvador): seismic unrest (updated 4 Feb 2013)
Sangeang Api (Indonesia): occasional weak steaming (updated 3 Jan 2013)
Sinabung (Sumatra)
Siple (Marie Byrd Land, Western Antarctica): possible steaming detected on 20 June (updated 28 Jun 2012)
Sirung (Pantar Island, Indonesia ): steaming and elevated seismicity (updated 27 May 2012)
Slamet (Central Java): degassing, strong fumaroles (updated 9 Aug 2012)
Sotará (Colombia): Actividad volcán Sotará del 3 al 9 de octubre de 2012 (updated 31 Jan 2013)
Taal (Luzon, Philippines): degassing, elevated seismic activity (updated 1 Feb 2013)
Talang (Sumatra)
Telica (Nicaragua): seismic unrest (updated 15 Nov 2012)
Tiatia (Kunashir Island): weak thermal anomaly (updated 6 Sep 2012)
Tjörnes Fracture Zone (North of Iceland): continuing earthquake swarm (updated 30 Jan 2013)
Tongariro (North Island, New Zealand): strong steaming from Te Maari craters, slightly elevated seismic activity (updated 31 Jan 2013)

