Volcanic activity worldwide 5 Feb 2013

Rain's picture

Source: Volcano Discovery - 2/05/13

Etna this morning.

Etna this morning.

Earthquakes near Fuji in Jan 2013

Earthquakes near Fuji in Jan 2013

SO2 plume from Bagana and Manam (NOAA)

SO2 plume from Bagana and Manam (NOAA)

Current seismic signal from White Island (GeoNet)

Current seismic signal from White Island (GeoNet)

Small explosion at Popo yesterday morning

Small explosion at Popo yesterday morning

Current seismic signal from San Miguel (VSM station, SNET)

Current seismic signal from San Miguel (VSM station, SNET)


Current seismic signal from Reventador (CONE station, IG)

Current seismic signal from Reventador (CONE station, IG)


Etna (Sicily, Italy): The New SE crater has been producing occasional ash emissions and weak explosions over the past 24 hours, but so far, the volcano seems not to be in the mood of making another mini-paroxysm eruption. The tremor signal is at low levels, but unstable.

There are no significant changes in activity at any of the volcanoes in Kamchatka: Fluid lava continues to erupt from Tolbachik volcano, accompanied by stable, still relatively high tremor levels. Moderate seismicity suggests ongoing lava extrusion and dome building at Sheveluch and Kizimen.
Low seismic activity was reported from Karymski and Klyuchevskoi volcano. The strong seismicity from Tolbachik obscures the signals from Bezymianny, which also continues to slowly build a lava dome. Gorely continues to show medium levels of tremor caused by fluid movements and strong degassing.

Mt Fuji (Honshu): (4 Feb) The volcano remains calm. However, an increased number of small quakes near and under Mt Fuji are visible on our latest data plot of nearby earthquakes (within 30 km radius). While all of these are very small and the number is certainly not alarming, the volcano remains interesting to watch.
According to a the Japan Times, a new eruption of Mount Fuji could force some 567,000 people to evacuate their homes (in the worst case scenario).
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The Shizuoka Prefectural Government ha worked on a new evacuation plan, which assumes that more than 130,000 people from approx. 50,000 households would have to relocate if "lava" were to reach residential districts in the city of Fuji located just south of the 3,776-meter mountain.
"Depending on the number and locations of vents, evacuation from wider areas could be needed. The plan is based on a hazard map prepared by the central government based on Fuji’s last eruption, in 1707.

Taal (Luzon, Philippines): (4 Feb) Earthquake activity remains slightly elevated, but nothing else points toward a possible reawakening of the volcano in a near future. PHILVOLCS reported 10 quakes during the past 48 hours.

Bagana (Bougainville Island, Papua New Guinea): Increased SO2 emissions can be seen today, suggesting ongoing activity at the volcano.
Also Manam volcano remains active and has produced a smaller SO2 plume.

White Island (New Zealand): Tremor and earthquakes have suddenly ceased.

Kilauea (Hawai'i): Not much has changed at the volcano's activity on the Big Island: lava flows enter the sea in numerous locations both inside and outside the Natl Park. The lava lake at the summit rises and falls, and lava erupts from several vents at Pu'u O'o crater on the rift zone.
The crater is filled to the rim with lava and there are many overflows. Some recent aerial images can be found in our Image Pool.

Popocatépetl (Central Mexico): The frequency of emissions increased a bit again during 3-4 Feb with about 1 event per hour, and a strong SO2 plume today suggests a phase of increased degassing.
The image shows one of the "larger" emissions yesterday morning, which also vented some ash.

Santa María / Santiaguito (Guatemala): (4 Feb) Activity has remained the same. Some moderate explosions with plumes rising 800 m were observed during yesterday-today, as well as avalanches from the still active flows on the flanks of the dome.

Fuego (Guatemala): (4 Feb) Effusive activity has increased in favor of explosive again. The lava flow towards Ceniza canyon was 800 m long this morning, the second one towards Taniluyá canyon 400 m. No explosions were mentioned in the latest bulletin of the observatory.

San Miguel (El Salvador): Activity has somewhat increased during the past 24 hours, including a pulse of stronger tremor and numerous small volcanic quakes.

Reventador (Ecuador): Activity remains high with strong constant tremor visible, likely accompanying lava effusion from the rarely visible summit.

Copahue (Chile/Argentina): Seismic activity dropped drastically yesterday, with only one volcanic tectonic quake and low-energy continuous tremor registered. A white steam and gas plume with no ash rises about 1500 m above the volcano. Sernageomin lowered the status of the volcano to yellow.
