Volcanoes Today, 29 Jun 2013: Fuego

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volcanodiscovery-June 29,2013

Explosion from Fuego yesterday (INSIVUMEH)

Fuego (Guatemala): Explosions have become more violent, the latest special bulletin of INSIVUMEH indicates. Mild strombolian eruptions have turned into more powerful vulcanian-type explosions, which eject dense ash plumes rising to 800 m and produce numerous avalanches of blocks around the crater, especially on the southern flank.
Shock waves from the explosions could be felt in areas up to 15 km distance, and rattled windows and doors in houses of Panimaché, Panimaché II, Morelia, Santa Sofía, Sangre de Cristo and were sometimes heard as far as Yepocapa and Alotenango. Fine ash fall occurred in Panimaché, Morelia and Sangre de Cristo.


Read More: http://www.volcanodiscovery.com/volcanoes/today.html


