Vortex Meditation - Twin Flame Re-Union

Denize's picture

The electro-magnetic field of human bio-energetics acts as a conductor of electrical current. You may have experienced a time when your body felt so energized it was tingling! This is an example of sensing the current of electrical ions moving through the channels of your body. 

Since electrical current requires a male/female mating that produces the conductivity of electrical charge, our human energy body depends on a similar link-up of our inner male-female connectivity. Due to living in Duality there exists discordant polarizing force between the masculine and feminine energy, interfering with our ability to manifest Sacred Union. 

By using Vortex Energy in meditation, we can activate the Pulse of Creation in our bio-energetic system and accelerate our personal evolution. By spinning in Vortex Energy we can collapse all discordant thoughts, emotions, patterns of disease -- and pulse alive our new healthy body, clear mind, joyful heart and calm Center. 
The Vortex Meditation by Meg Benedicte, accelerates the counterclockwise oscillation of our sub-atomic particles to UNLOCK and break free from the dense, polarized magnetic field that is keeping us stuck, unable to improve our life situation. As we heal and release polarity, we become whole and complete...enhancing our inner magnetism for Twin Flame Union. Theta brainwave harmonic toning in background enhances the mind's ability to reach a meditative state. Visit www.vortexmeditation.com or www.newearthevolution.com