Wake up Dear One..

Doreen Smith's picture


November 25, 2013   



Wake up, Dear one,

don’t look over there.

You have no one to blame,

only things to see.

There is no awakening,

when filled with fear.

Let go of who did this,

who did that.

Only distractions of the mind, keep you,

from you.

You will one day stand, before your Soul,

seeing clearly,

your creations.

Begin today, this now,

there is nothing in your way,

you are free to choose.

Embracing the unknown, in loves embrace,

will free and awaken within you,

your true Heart space.

Your Heart holds the answers,

and is the key.

Live in Love, fully,

and simply Be.


In Divine Sacred Love and Union,

Pleiadian Delegate; The Queen of Light 


I have included below links for you to receive The Frequency Transmissions from the Central Sun through the Queen of Light, Audio and Daily, that will activate the Codes within your Original Blueprint.

Please like my Page!!



To Listen to the Audio Frequency Transmissions; These are Powerful Dispensations!!


To Join the Group to Receive the Daily Queen of Light Transmission:


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To Email me to receive my Newsletter: laura@thequeenoflight.com


To Order the Angelic Human Activation, The Starseed Activation, Twin Soul Activation,  Blueprint Activation, 12 Strand DNA Activation, Light Transmissions, and Healing Sessions, Please visit my Website:



copyright Pleiadian Delegate 2012-2013

