Many of you may have spent the last linear 24/48 hours bombarded with the new higher dimensional frequencies and many of you may have triggered hugely at human conscious waking mind level. Unable to allow your human mind to acknowledge that you now walk in a new energetic frequency range. I posted a few linear days ago and announced the decision that I would not publicly post any more blogs. Many of you are now perhaps wondering why a couple of days later I am back blogging. Well the reasons are multi fold, the main one being that the person who wrote the blog stating that she would not publicly write anymore has now shifted and changed and become the person who is writing at this moment.
For ALL changes and that is what the human logical mind does not like and will continually filter out. The filtering has shown me various boundaries the past couple of linear days that my human logical mind would not give up on. This has caused me personally some major heartache and I have physically been in pain and suffered various symptoms as a result. The main ones being an ache and denseness in the heart area. My logical mind going over and over certain scenarios again and again coming up with a multi tude of possibilities but NONE of them sitting with me and all at total odds with what my heart was showing me.
It is not TRUTH to assume that as a channel I do not go through that which is being experienced by ALL upon this planet. The expanding telepathic senses that the human race have now ignited adds to this, trips out and about resulting in the overwhelming FEELings that others are transmitting out into the world and many of you will be able to relate to this. So I chose to take some time “out”. The result was a very unsettling feeling, a feeling akin to just before labour starts, for all the women out there you may be able to resonate with the inability to settle to one thing, the constant shifting and moving around and the FEELing that something is about to happen. This naturally occurs in the human vehicle prior to the waters breaking and the onset of full labour. I use this analogy deliberately for many are of the belief that the transition into the New Earth energetic frequencies would be a very easy one. For some of you it may be, not all labours are the same, some children come into the world very fast and easy, others have a more challenging delivery, it is a personal journey and one that is made at human conscious waking mind level.
For me personally if I had followed my heart then I could have eased into the New Earth much more smoothly but my human logical mind would not allow this, once more I listened to my head over my heart. My guides continually showing their support to me in my dreamtime, the dreamtime landscape becoming almost as real as the waking reality that I walk in every day. This may also be something that you can resonate with at this time. We are dreaming our reality into the physical world and the human logical mind does not like this, it has no reference point so it will try to filter this out. However TRUTH JUST IS and the following of your heart is the KEY to the New Earth. This is almost paradoxical, for only in believing can you take the steps necessary and if you do not believe then you cannot take the steps. It is the taking of the steps that SHOW TRUTH so if they are not taken there is nothing shown. ALL of this confuses the logical mind for it has been TAUGHT to work out the puzzle and to take the actions to complete said puzzle.
The HEART KNOWS TRUTH and sees no puzzle and you will have a KNOWing that goes beyond anything you have ever experienced but you will have no “evidence” to back it up. So you are left with a choice at human conscious waking mind level, do you go with your HEART that KNOWS TRUTH or do you follow your human logical mind that will try to convince you that you have no choice? This radiates out for in seeking to “confirm” that which you are experiencing you may look to those around you but they cannot FEEL what is in your HEART for they are not YOU so they will refer back to THEIR logical minds which again will have no reference point.
This “loop” is what has kept the human race contained and suppressed and unable to expand for aeons. The New Earth frequencies and higher dimensional codes that are now flowing across and within the planet seek to move you out of this pattern/loop and will continually place before you that which is NOT TRUTH in order for you to dissolve it. This may play out in the human life experience as a situation or scenario that keeps cropping up, the more times you try to deal with it through logic the more it may persist. This is YOUr SOUL trying to guide you to move past the illusion and trying to show you how to follow your HEART, for it is all very well to state “I will follow my heart at all times” until you are ASKED TO DO THIS IN YOUR WAKING LIFE. Many people are “assuming” it is only for the obvious heart situations but this is not the case, you are gaining in strength at ALL times and YOUr SOUL is now showing you this in you waking life experience. The more in chaos you appear to be the more logical you are trying to be, for logic sees chaos where the heart just SEES.
You may be kept in a holding pattern until you understand that which is asked of you by YOUr SOUL, when you can see through the illusion and understand the lesson that YOU are asked to accept then the illusion will melt before your very eyes and the New Earth will be seen in TRUTH for the New Earth IS there, you will find it beneath the smoke and the mirrors of the old earth, you will find it BEHIND the mirror the old 3d earth is asking you to look into at this time, for the HEART KNOWS TRUTH.
(c) Karen Doonan, all rights reserved.
Many are having a difficult time with this,Karen,good blog, Many Blessing,s ,Wes...
Wes Wilson