Waverider1~ Leaving Distractions Behind ~15 July 2013

Lia's picture


CNN PresenterDistractions abound

Both inside and out

Why is it so trying, so hard

To ignore them, opt out?

 Bombings, wars and earthquakes

Financial crises and chemtrails

The MSM news outlets

Work to keep us biting our nails

The Masters of Mass Control

They have their hands on the knobs

The arrogance of centuries

Makes them unapproachable SOBs

But they suffer, too!

In their lack of love, and of joy

Their ‘priorities’ blind them

To what many of us now know and enjoy

But Oh! how trying it is

To turn away from their noise

When most people around us

Believe them, but not their own Inner Voice

Our family and friends, too

Though ‘meaning well’ I admit

Try to rein in our Light

Get us our ‘craziness’ to quit

Our libidinal urges as well

Ever powerful, most basic

Tempt us down egoic paths

Those physical pleasures — so magnetic!

The glamorous social life of the ‘hip’

We’ve been carefully programmed to follow

Makes the need to disconnect from ‘the show’

Somewhat bitter to swallow

You see, we’ve all been deceived

By so many distractions

To prevent our longings for Freedom and Love

From getting translated into real-world actions

Like building communities on mutual respect

Unity Consciousness, compassion and caring

Leaving behind separation, competition and greed

Embracing universal abundance, joy and bliss-sharing

I myself still often struggle

As you may have noticed in my blog

It’s not easy to turn away completely

Pull your mud-caked feet out of the bog

I apologize for those lapses

When I drew attention to the negative crap

I was just trying to help more sleeping Souls awaken

From their rather unpleasant duality nap

But look! The New Earth awaits us!

She’s emerging right now!

Just got to ignore those pesky distractions

From both within and without

We have lots of help in this venture

As True Masters abound

For those just waking up to the trickery of ages

Lots of assistance can be easily found

If we hold fast to the Truth,

Our New Reality, Divinity Rising

The distractors can’t sway us

From manifesting NOW the Golden Age of Gaia

So buckle up, people

The Great Transition has begun

As we leave the distractions behind

. . . . And dive into the FUN!

Monks on Roller Coaster

www.waverider1.wordpress.com / link to original article

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Well Said!

drmoe's picture

I listen to nothing the pornographers of claptrap keep promoting. The stupider their antics the more desperate they seem.