~The way I feel…NEW~True Freedom~
~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Andrea~
A series of weird thing happened in my life in the last week... I^ll resume some of it because I think it'll help you better understand what will follow.
- my cat passed away 2 weeks ago
- I lost my job (kept saying the truth about the institution and someone did not liked it I suppose)
- had to receive social assistance but the woman in charge of it lost my papers so I spent Christmas without a cent
- someone helped me with my rent... you may not believe it but I lost the money (somewhere from my home to the postal office! Could not believe they where simply gone and I still do not understand how!)
- someone else donated me some money!! (and believe me, I do not know lots of people!!!)
- kind of started a relation that I've already quit
In all this, I just floated... yes, like lying calm on my back and floating in a river that I knew was bringing me Home. The very first thing I asked myself was "What do I have to understand form this experience? What do I have to see and let go?" And the answers came. All of them. And not only did they came, I was also able to recognize the moment in my life where I was in the exact same situation and made different choices, for example blaming the world, or feeling guilty, or thinking I had to simply take what I thought would be "the best I could dream of"... And so I started going inside of each experience and felt it. Deep inside. And each and every time I simply went Home, into myself, and looked, and asked myself "What is Love's answer?" And then moved on from there. I cannot say I'm glad to have lost the money, or I'm glad my cat "died", or glad I have lost my job... I AM GLAD I LIVED IT IN LOVE. Because please, if anyone is still doubting that Love is not THE answer, do not! No more!
For surrender to Love is THE FREEDOM! There comes a first time you do it, then you may forget it when another occasion comes but it's ok, you're learning aren't you? Then the second time comes and you see you've done it again, and that again it does work. Then it may happens that for a few times you go back working with the program, no matter, your ego is still alive, and when you start showing it that you're better off without him it gets scared!
But you are going to go back to answering in Love, because it's the biggest and strongest drug in the Whole Universe! And you got addicted to it the very first time you came in touch with it, and this my dears, happened a long long time ago! That's why you simply cannot follow the ego/program anymore, even if you try. Because by following LOVE your feelings become NOW, and they're supported by your Creating a new Reality, and then your LOVE expands and grows and consciously permeates every atom of yours. Because that's what it IS, LOVE IN ACTION. It's the BRIDGE over every precipice, it's the BOAT in the sea and the SHIP in the sky. It simply brings you SAFE HOME, in EVERY SITUATION for it knows -thus YOU KNOW- that whatever situation you're in... it's simply not real. So it cannot be fearful!
What happens next? What happens when you get to the point you simply BEHAVE as LOVE? You shift. The Heart becomes silent. You start living the body you're in as a vehicle, and no more as you. You look at the world and see a Living Being that supports you and your journey, no more a world of stones and trees. You look at yourself in the mirror and do not see the bodily face anymore, but the Light you are. You start feeling where your boundaries are, and realize they're only in your mind, and may even find yourself doing incredible things simply because you forgot you "could not do them", and if you go even further, you'll be surprised at times that you simply do not do all those thing you KNOW you're able to do, and may find yourself asking "so what stopes me?". Because you'll start feeling your +Dimensionality. And soon you'll feel it all the time. Because now you're remembering... and simply can't go back to sleep. Oh no! When all the Lights go ON... ha! No way I'm going to put them out!
Thanks to all those that go on imagining our new Earth, every single Light is a Fire in Heaven! Never ask yourself if you're doing well, simply be Love, that's enough!! All the rest is a simple consequence of it. Go on in Love, no matter how, when... NOW! For every single thought of LOVE you have is Flame for EveyOne of US!