Day Seven ~ A channeling by the Elders, ancient, celestial Beings and High Council Members to the Order of Melchizedek ~ By Anrita Melchizedek
Welcome sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this Now as you experience this last eighteen day cycle in the Mayan Universal Underworld Focus. We would like to start by telling you more about this Unified Field of Divine Love, also called the Crystalline Grid of One Unity Consciousness and the Christ Consciousness Grid. This Crystalline Matrix of Divine Love surrounds you and all Life through the geometric, holographic, sonic and fractal matrix of Light flowing through and within this multi-universe and connects within you as these "Flames of Divine Love". And we call you these "Flames of Divine Love", sweet ones, for this is indeed what you truly are, as God's ambassadors and caretakers to Mother Earth and all her Life.
This Unity Grid of Light, sweet ones, this Crystalline Matrix of Divine Love and One Unity Consciousness was synthetically recreated approximately thirteen thousand years ago by the Ascended Masters and Christed ET's assisting in that timeline in the ascension of Mother Earth following the destruction of the Christ Consciousness grid around the Earth plane. In order to align the One Unity Consciousness throughout and within your Earth plane, these Beings of Light went to the original One Unity Consciousness Portal in the Land of Khem, later to be called Egypt, and through this original vortex in the Giza Plateau, they reconstructed the One Unity Consciousness portal working with the sacred geometry of ten golden mean spirals which emerged from this vortex. This synthetic Crystalline Matrix of Light served to connect all Life into the realms of Illumined Truth and beyond the many portals of darkness. This served as a Beacon of Light sweet ones, a Cosmic Map into the higher dimensions, until such a time as the Light on this earth plane could be amplified to a level where the Unified Grid of Divine Love could be sustained through the Patterns of Perfection and Divine Light of Mother/Father God. Progress was slow sweet ones, and unfortunately at that time, cosmic evil was able to further amplify its frequencies of darkness through the magnetic grid around the Earth plane, and all Light amplifications from the Spiritual Hierarchy were distorted through this negative frequency, causing further lower frequencies of distorted patterns to emerge in order to be transmuted. As a result, the Spiritual Hierarchy, in their compassion, decided to more slowly activate this synthetic Christ Consciousness grid. In addition, many portals of Light around the Earth plane had to be closed at this time. However, there were still a certain number of Ascended Masters left on this Earth plane, who were given the task of assisting in the Light anchorings through the recreation of energy portals and sacred sites, and particularly through the initial creation of an energy portal in Egypt, which would activate all other Light Portals around the Earth plane, and be appropriate to the consciousness of Humanity at any given "Now" moment in time.
And by the Grace of God, through the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, this Unified Field of One Unity Consciousness and Divine Love was activated to a level where all Life could experience their Highest Potential as these Master Beings of Light and sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, as the level of Light on this earth plane expanded exponentially to match many of the harmonic frequencies from On High.
Furthermore sweet ones, through these many unprecedented activities of Light, you started to reflect the exact sacred geometry and harmonic resonance found within the Christ Consciousness grid, within your own energy bodies. Additionally, through this sacred geometry, you hold within your subconscious the thought forms and patterns of every atom and molecule on this Earth plane, animate or inanimate. In other words, you hold the collective unconscious of the entire Planet! Further to this, your DNA is related to the platonic solids, specifically the dual relationship between the icosahedron and the dodecahedron, and hence, you are able to etherically integrate your original Divine DNA encodings. And this relationship between the icosahedron and the dodecahedron was the basis of the Christ Consciousness grid around your Earth plane. A new sacred geometric shape was activated from 1992, that which is called the [1]double penta-dodecahedron, reflecting the 144 facets of Christ Consciousness and the 144, 000 components of One Unity Consciousness for this multi-universe.
Sweet ones, in 104, 000 B.C. through the collective signature of One Unity Consciousness from the Cosmic Heart and Divine Flame of Eternal Light of Mother/Father God, a call was put out across all dimensions and Galaxies requesting 144, 000 Light Beings to physically embody onto Earth, and to anchor these frequencies of the Law of Oneness through the three-fold flame and heart center of every atom and molecule on this Earth plane, within the Cosmic Law of Free Will. These 144, 000 Beings of Light stepped down their vibration to take on earthly form and many of you, sweet ones, were part of this core group, or the second or third wave of this core group who chose to be of service to Mother Earth and all her Life. And the importance of this in this Now sweet ones, is that you are again at the point of ascending collectively and taking on this mantle of leadership as these Flames of Divine Love, amplified and experienced through the keycodes of Light and sacred geometries within the Crystalline Grid of Divine Love holding these vibrations of Christ Consciousness. Furthermore, sweet ones, at zero point, Jesus the Christ was birthed, and embodied the 144, 000 within One. This amazing Divine event which was Overlighted by the entire Company of Heaven, allowed the rebirth of the Christed Consciousness of Humanity to be experienced at a Higher Light level. Through this Divine Dispensation, it has been decreed that when 144, 000 Master Beings of Love and Light ascend to their Highest Potential simultaneously, each atom and molecule on this Earth plane will ascend to their next level of enlightenment and this entire Earth plane and your Solar System will again be embraced into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God for all eternity. And this time is now, sweet Ambassadors. As you enter through the 11:11:11 Portal of Divine Love, you are able to truly become these Flames of Divine Love and actualize the Patterns of Perfection through the new DNA encodings of Light activated at this time. For this year of 2011 is that of Divine Love, of the Divine Feminine archetype, insomuch as 2012 is about One Unity Consciousness through the Divine Masculine archetype.
Sweet ones, sacred geometry is the language of light and fabric of creation that amplifies the energy of this Crystalline Matrix of Divine Love and Unity Consciousness and as such, this Unity Grid of Light contains within it the sacred geometric patterns of all creation. And indeed, this Crystalline Matrix is further being activated at a cellular level within your bodies as you take on these crystalline frequencies and the cellular components within your bodies change from carbon based into silicon based vibrating portals and stargates of Divine Love. You are a nodal point within this vibrating, invisible latticework of Divine Love and it is simply to attune yourselves to these frequencies.
Sweet ones, in Day Seven, you are given the opportunity through the axiatonal lines to release your old cellular memories and further, rejuvenate the physical body. The axiatonal lines are the light grids used by the Brotherhood of the Light to assist in the forward evolution of the lower worlds. These meridian axiatonal lines can be likened to acupuncture lines that connect with resonating star systemsand galaxies. The axiatonal lines link in through spin points and create these nodule points of vibrating Divine Light which is exactly what these vortices and sacred sites on your planets are, linked through the earth meridian lines. In the Golden Ages of Lemuria and Atlantis, the meridian lines within your body were connected to the Christ Consciousness grid and through this, to each dimensional vibrating Grid of Divine Light. Within this multi-universe, the energetic lines that cohesively bring together the stars and planets, mother earth's body and your body as a grid of magnetic domains are the axiatonal lines. The axiatonal lines were able to bring about the necessary noise light emissions from the appropriate multi-universal frequential harmonics and vibrational attunements to cure any dis-ease or discomfort, both physical or emotional in nature. However, following the Fall of Atlantis the axiatonal lines, which additionally held the frequencies necessary for the physical immortality of all Life on this planet, as well as the well-being and balance of all Life, were severed. By the Grace of God, new axiatonal lines have been created on this earth plane within the Unity Grid, primarily with the assistance of the Brotherhood of the Light. In this Divine Dispensation, you are able to truly release all your human mis-creations and heal the physical body to experience renewed vitality and good health, with a minimal amount of karmic lessons to still be experienced. And this experience is available to all Life on this earth plane able to lift themselves into the Unity Grid of Light, and this is going to occur more rapidly now as you experience yourselves within this New Earth.
Now, progressing through Day 7 and into the gateway of 11:11:11 is indeed very exciting sweet ones as you potentially ascend into the next level of your forward evolution while remaining in form as these sacred Flames of Divine Love and Master Beings. Previously, in becoming the integrated aspect of your mighty I Am Presence, you either ascended in your physical body, in which your physical body became a garment of white Light; or more often than not, you left the physical body behind. If you ascended in your physical body, your blood changed to liquid golden Light, and your chakras blended in one unified chakra column of Light, referred to as the "Ascension Flame", or "Cosmic Fire". Now, you will raise the atomic vibratory level of the physical body in order to create a radiant, etheric electronic body of Light, your I Am Avatar Blueprint of Light, your Adam Kadmon Body of Light, which will be called your physical ascension, and commences through the first wave on 11:11:11. This in essence is the start of actualizing the frequencies necessary for the creation of your I Am Avatar Blueprint of Light and developing your Ascended Master gifts. Most of you will choose to remain in form on this Earth plane following your physical ascension as these sacred Flames of Divine Love. For in becoming the integrated aspect of your I Am Presence on this Earth plane, you completely align yourself with all aspects of your original Divine eight-cell blueprint and all nine multidimensional dimensional levels available to you. In doing so, the star tetrahedrons and platonic solids existing around you, and connected to your etheric, emotional and mental bodies are more fully actualized through the vibration of the Holy Mother, the Holy Father and the Holy Child; with the Holy Child represented here as the collective Christed Consciousness of Humanity, and further links you as this nodal point of vibrating Divine Love through the Christ Consciousness grid. As you "Fire the Gird", the kundalini channel of Mother Earth is being further activated and realigned, allowing for the potentiality of the merger of your Divine Feminine and Masculine archetypes of Light, amplified at 11:11:11 through the stargates of Lake Titicaca and Sedona.
While you may have a knowing of the essence of yourselves as these Master Beings sweet ones, living this requires a level of cosmic consciousness awareness and the ability through vibrational attunement to experience Divine Love. It is a sense of feeling this within yourselves through this Crystalline Matrix of Divine Love that is within you and around you. You become these Flames of Divine Love through your loving thoughts and actions, and the experience of mindfulness in such as way that it takes you out of your old patterning and conditioning. One of the ways to do this, sweet ones, is to let go of your perceived disappointments of how you would have liked things to have been, into appreciation of what you have and the joy that comes from being in this Now moment; of letting go of the victim and persecutor consciousness, of letting go of those old false beliefs and judgments that create an oscillation of the emotional and mental bodies into this polarity of the earth plane. For indeed this Crystalline Matrix of Divine Love lifts you into the higher dimensional frequencies where you are connected to the Legions upon Legions of Light, to your multidimensional Selves, to all these Beings of Light from On High assisting in the ascension of this earth, as well as to Nature Intelligence and all Life. Mother Earth, through this Crystalline Matrix of Divine Love is already ascending into the New Earth matrix, and you are ascending too, sweet one, but there is indeed still a pull through the polarities of this earth plane, these human mis-creations that have been played out for eons upon eons and have created these old memories at a cellular level within the body, genetically inherited, carried through from past lives and parallel realities and also perpetuated and played out in this lifetime from a karmic perspective. While you are being given some assistance through this Divine Dispensation in this Now, it is to know, of course, that it requires a level of commitment, of discipline, of will and empowerment, to experience a deeper level of the essence of the Divine Love that you are as these Flames of Divine Love, so you may truly experience the preciousness and magnificence of your Selves. It requires sweet ones, a commitment to experiencing yourselves as Divine Love; it requires sweet ones, to experience the magic in your lives without disillusionment, without negativity, without despair, without anger and blame and shame; and you can lift yourselves into the glorious magnificence and preciousness of yourselves as these Flames of Divine Love simply through connecting into this Crystalline Matrix of Divine Love. As the 11:11:11 gateway of Light is experienced, you have the opportunity to take on these transfiguring keycodes of Divine Love and of activating the new dormant DNA codes within the body to a level that would truly allow you to experience Self Mastery. With this comes a greater understanding of yourselves as wayshowers and leaders and teachers in this new Golden Age; in this transforming New Earth, lifting all Life in vibrational harmonic frequency into this essence of Divine Love. The keycodes within the Crystalline Matrix of Divine Love are both personal and planetary in nature. How you can personally work with this Crystalline Grid of Divine Love is by sending Love and healing to others as well as healing yourselves. You can access these keycodes of Divine Love in such a way to experience personal and planetary transformation. You can lift the world into Unity Consciousness, sweet ones by affecting and creating change in your reality, and further develop your own gifts of telepathy, clairvoyance, clairsentience and clairaudience. Additionally, you can communicate more easily with the Beings of Light from On High through these stargates and portals of light that exist within and around the Crystalline Matrix of Divine Love through linking into these sacred sites, vortices and Crystalline Cities of Light, and linking into the hearts and minds of all Life in One Unity Consciousness through the collective consciousness of all Life.
Sweet ones, we would like to focus for a moment on the Crystalline Cities of Light. These Crystalline Cities of Light are fifth dimensional gateways of Light, not only linking you into the higher dimensional, but in accessing these Cities of Light, as you have been doing through the Mayan Underworld focus, allows you the opportunity to connect with Christed ET's and Beings of Light from the higher dimensions using these stargates of Light, as well as having the opportunity to experience numerous Healing Chambers of Light, Spiritual teachings, downloads and activations, ray frequencies and increased levels of Light within your body and energy field. In time to come, sweet ones, these Cities of Light will be anchored more into physicality, creating and affecting change on this earth plane as you experience the permanent resonance of the New Earth. The Sedona Crystalline City of Light over the Angel Valley Spiritual Retreat Center in Sedona has been well documented by Genii Townsend and her late husband in a beautiful book,The Sedona City of Light: Revelation of the Prophecies, Purpose, Plans and Coming Manifestation of A City of Light, Love and Healing. And it is this Crystalline City of Light that is the prototype and blueprint for all the Crystalline Cities of Light to be activated and actualized on this earth plane, and will be further activated and actualized through the 11:11:11 gateway. Now is that not truly exciting, sweet ones.
It is a time for those of you holding the keycodes to what we call the "I Am Avatar Blueprint of Light" which connects through the energy of your I Am Presence as you build the Adam Kadmon Body of Light, your perfected etheric blueprint of Divine Love and vibrating Body of Light, to be able to assist others as you stand more steadfast in the Light. Sweet ones, you are able to geographically affect and create change within your reality and your environment and how incredible is that!. If you remember that your reality is simply a reflection of where you are and what you are working with, you are able to shift this, simply through shifting your frequency into this Crystalline Matrix of Divine Love. You are able to use the Unity Grid of Divine Love and the energetic frequencies of Light spiralling forth onto this planet to connect to others energetically, to assist in the healing of others on this planet, to assist in the unification of all Life through embracing all Life, and letting go of the sense of perceived separation of "them and us". All Life is Divinely equal, sweet ones, and it is simply the levels of cosmic consciousness awareness that differs from individual to individual. While this Crystalline Matrix of Divine Love holds these keycodes of potentiality for all Life, it is to experience this within your everyday life that will make and create the changes that you desire. This is being streamlined, sweet ones, through the energetic vibrations held within the collective Christ Consciousness and amplified at this time to bring a greater level of this frequency of Divine Love onto this earthplane. Further to this, you are also experiencing the spiralling vortices of the super-electron, activating the dormant DNA as you become both the receiver and transmitter of Divine Light. Additionally, through the Spiritual Microtron, which is able to split the sub-atomic particles in the body into smaller sub-atomic particles and spin these sub-atomic particles within the body beyond the speed of common light, you are taking on your invisible garments of Light, cloaked in the radiance and Divine Love of Mother/Father God. Furthermore, as you move into 2012 and into alignment with the Galactic Center, you are experiencing more of Photonic Rays of Light, spinning the electron-positron pairs within the body in increased frequencies of light and clearing many of this karmic patterns and shadows. So, you are experiencing this incredible Cosmic roller coaster ride, as earth changes are upon you, as tectonic plates shift, as the earth's axis shifts incrementally, as you further experience the Solar Flares, affecting the electromagnetic field of Mother Earth and your own electromagnetic fields and lifting you into Solar Christ Consciousness as these Solar Beings of Light and Flames of Divine Love, as your earth herself becomes this Spiritual Sun of Light. Through the convergence of all these celestial activities of Light, electromagnetic and magnetic shifts, in this Now moment sweet ones, you are working not only with holding yourself steadfast in the greatest frequency of Light that you have ever experienced in physical form in this lifetime as these Flames of Divine Love, but your are further working with all those shadow aspects of yourselves and the increased shadows of all humanity that are coming up to be cleared and healed, integrated, transmuted and loved unconditionally so you may truly experience yourselves within this Crystalline Matrix of Divine Love as Flames of Divine Love.
And now, sweet ones, find yourselves within this Crystalline Unified Field of Divine Love, bringing a focus to this pulsating vortex of Light, this Crystalline City of Light within the etheric of Machu Picchu. Good. As you find yourselves entering into this Crystalline City of Light in soul consciousness, you are surrounded in this beautiful Platinum Flame of "Universal Service" through the Overlighting of the Brotherhood of the Light and Lord Melchizedek. Sweet ones, many of you as these first wave souls in human embodiment of this I-AM Avatar Blueprint are choosing to ascend, are choosing to take on this mantle of leadership through building your perfect Adam Kadmon form, this Body of Light that will 'lift' you into a new level of Service. You have been working with the Order of Melchizedek for eons of time and what is being activated now are these keycodes of Divine Light that will take 'you' into a new level of your service work; that will take 'you' into truly understanding and experiencing yourselves as these multi-dimensional, multi-faceted Master Beings of Divine Love, regardless of what is occurring from a third dimensional perspective on this earth plane. Know that the lower frequencies are primarily illusionary in nature and that truly you 'are' these precious, magnificent Beings of Light, with these keycodes being activated at this time to create change and bring about this reality of Divine Love and One Unity Consciousness for yourself and all Life.
And now, just connect to the Brotherhood of the Light members through this stargate, through this vortex of Light in this Crystalline City of Light in Machu Picchu. You are greeted, welcomed and embraced by these old friends and family members; the energy of the Melchizedek Brotherhood is familiar to you, and you are lifting yourselves into receiving the illuminations of the Teachers of Light from on High in such a way as to take 'your' rightful place as this leader and teacher in this Now moment. Wonderful.
Experience now the radiation and magnificence of the Twelve Golden Solar Sun Disc discs. And through these spiraling vortices, the keycodes being activated through these twelve helices. Starting with this helix within Machu Picchu of Divine Love and Wisdom, you connect to the Heart and Mind of Mother/Father God and to the Teachers of Light from On High. Allow this information to be received in these sacred geometric patternings and vibrations. Wonderful.
You are re-experiencing your initiations of Light, sweet ones. You are re-experiencing this essence of Self-Mastery through these keycodes of Light being activated now that will take you through these parallel streams of consciousness into the Golden Ages of Lemuria and Atlantis.
And now, see yourselves connecting into the Unity Grid of Divine Love, to the Lightworkers, starseeded ones and all the Beings of Light from on High assisting in the ascension process of Mother Earth. As you link through the Unity Grid, anchor these new keycodes now through activating the axiatonal lines within your bodies; experience this activation through the spin points along the meridian lines, through sound, color and information, and 'Light' frequencies, bringing a deeper level of balance and harmony while releasing your human mis-creations. Good. As this nodal point of vibrating Divine Love, you now wrap the earth and all her Life in this Platinum Flame of Light and assist in activating the axiatonal lines within and around this earth plane through the vortices, stargates and portals, to the maximum Cosmic Law will allow. Wonderful. And now, have a sense of humanities mis-creations being collectively transmuted now; as you assist in bringing through a deeper balance, sense of harmony and purpose, of healing and Love to Mother Earth and all her Life. Wonderful.
You are preparing for 11-11-11, sweet ones. Take this time to move into the energy of stillness, of looking after your health; of finding this balance within yourselves, as you truly become these Flames of Divine Love. As you find yourself back in your sacred space now, have a look at what 'you' need to do to restore a deeper level of healing and Love and balance to yourself in this Now. As you ready yourself for the next level of your Service work in the activating of the Golden Solar Sun Disk of Light within Lake Titicaca, the merging of the Divine Masculine and Feminine within yourselves in this vortex connection into Sedona and Lake Titicaca and the activation of the new DNA encodings of Light through the sacred crystalline Vortex of Light in Arkansas. You will be given further information in your dreamtime sweet ones, to truly become All That You Are as these Christed Beings of Divine Light and Flames of Divine Love, and we look forward to connecting with you further on the inner planes, sweet ones.
Ground into the crystal heart of Mother Earth in 'all' your magnificent and 'all" your preciousness sweet ones. We honor you as these custodians and Keepers of Light to Mother Earth, as these first wave Souls, holding these original components of One Unity Consciousness, which will be activated through the gateway of Divine Love on 11:11:11. And with this, we bid you a most magical day.
Additional Information ~ James Tyberonn
Invocations for The Mayan Underworld Focus
Other Invocations
Additional information on the rays
Ray Essence Oils
Personal readings with the Elders
Brought to you by The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network
experienced at a Higher Light
.....experienced at a Higher Light level. Through this Divine Dispensation, it has been decreed that when 144, 000 Master Beings of Love and Light ascend to their Highest Potential simultaneously, each atom and molecule on this Earth plane will ascend to their next level of enlightenment and this entire Earth plane and your Solar System will again be embraced into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God for all eternity. And this time is now, sweet Ambassadors..............