We are The Galactic Federation ....through Leanne Kerrison

Lia's picture

For many years, it seemed as if we did not even exist, but there has always been a longing to know where one has come from. For many years, humans have wondered about the very essence of their existence. This bewilderment of their creation, has been a long time coming, for us, and for you. Very soon those that are able, will know who we really are. There are many who know now, who we really are. Where we reside, and our purpose for your planet. This purpose has long been foretold, has been planned, and orchestrated. This new beginning will happen. Be sure of that, as it will occur. For those that do not believe, or who are not awake, will do so, awaken slowly, over the coming times. For it will be us, helping them and you all, to rise up to the next level of existence. The next playing field so to speak.

For it is in this life, that when one works through, their earthly challenges and reaches a more peaceful existence that they in turn will also raise their own energetic vibration. It is these vibrations that will have the greatest effect on the earth and all its inhabitants. know that the shifts are and do take place,  in this time, now. Your earth is ever evolving, into the beautiful place it is meant to be.

We have been called in to assist this ascension process, and we have been waiting a very long time …….. for the right time. We are the Galactic Federation,  who are residing just outside the earths energy field. We are here to help, and we do. We are the star people from the other realms, who have agreed long ago, to assist in this process. We are communicating with some of you, and soon, many more, will hear us also. We will one day, show ourselves, to your world, and inhabitants. In fact, many of you have seen us already. But for the majority, we are still the unknown. This federation consists of 6 levels of ascended beings….. each with their own gifts. We hold the power of the crystalline matrix. This matrix binds us all. And when in alignment, with the earths humanity consciousness, we will then be aligned. This is why it is imperative that you all now, hold the earths humanity consciousness in your hearts, because it is these heart felt actions, that assist in the rising up of this consciousness, we are not in alignment yet, but it is coming.




I'm in daze

Mario's picture

I'm trying to know where I AM in all of this... WHO ARE ALLIES????

We are the allies!

Desert Gypsy's picture

We are the allies love. You, me, all of humanity. Each one of us who chooses to raise vibration and so bring in the new earth. We are all one. Fill your heart with love for self and all humanity. The answers are there.

The link below

David Porter's picture

If you go to the link below, read the message of the small boy with all the questions.

David Porter

Author of the series


Haha :)

Mario's picture

Amazing, haha

HI to all,

lynmarie8's picture

HI to all,

I have been working with them as well as many others out to star gate 10,000.  they are so ready to work and help us. It amazing!!! they are so great to work with behind the scenes.  I see them in a auditorium like the one like in the movie harry potter, many council members. they send love and light. they always remind one girl on my team I work with to be mindful of our thoughts, words and actions they feel these things out beyond what we comprehend.




Thanks for sharing your experiences Lynmarie8

TheFlashRon's picture

Lynmarie8 That is so cool! My wife also works with an interplanetary team of Light Servers on ship astrally, and once told me that she saw me in a conference room as she passed by the open doorway while onboard one of the mile-wide lightships.