~ We are In Incredible Moments On this Planet~

Lia's picture

Link to Today's Newsletter: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/we-are-incredible-moments-planet

Greetings Love Beings, As Anticipated We are Currently in More Intense Energies which are shaking it all Up! Ego's last stand and Love Wins! We are In Incredible Moments On this Planet and we are getting reports of Increased anticipation, Increased Joy, and feeling something collectively big is arriving to Us! So much is happening from All directions! You can Join us Today Discuss What is Really Happening On this Planet! Victory for the Light and Love Wins!

Join us Live Today in the 5D Frequency Room Beginning at 10:30am Pacific at this Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress

Quoted from Today's VisionKeeper" ...Oh my yes, we are on our way home, in flight to the new world. One cannot ignore the rush of energetic emotions that are pulsing through the universe at this time. They are beckoning us home to our hearts and to the new world of love and compassion. We will no longer need to grovel for validation for we will be securely anchored in our oneness to all. The divisions that have driven us far apart are breaking down and we are finally feeling closer connections to each and every being whether human or animal as never before. We are learning to be accepted just as we are for who we are and are finally able to begin relaxing into ourselves and breathe out a sigh of relief in knowing we are going home. The days of proving our worth within the confines of mindless slavery are drawing to a close. It must first happen within ourselves and ripple out to those around us. The ripples are carrying us along as the sun upgrades us, setting the shift in full motion.

It is so obvious now how different we have become since the journey began in earnest before 12-21-12. We have come such a long way on so many levels...."