~We are Not seeing anything Changing ~

Lia's picture


~Letters to the Editors~ repost



Sorry to email you but I do get so impatient of when the big change will happen.

For last 3 months, I have been reading GFP blogs and they all said it's coming soon. Lights are green, things change will happen just so quick. Things will shock me, get prepare.

And it will happen soon.

I have been hoping everyday that the big day will be tomorrow for 3 months. And seems like all the information are the same within 3 months.

Meanwhile I have to do my  daily stuffs and in the same time I know that these things are not important once the change happen. So my mind is hoping the change by that date, but it didn't happening. So I have to do all those things that I really don't want to do. And now, should I plan for what I normally do or should I plan for what happen after changes?! I am trying so hard to stay focus on 2 different worlds! This  feels like torture and getting headache to keep thinking about it.


Our Response:


We currently have huge amounts of people waiting for changes, but relatively few people actively creating those changes. The changes are waiting for Humanity's active participation, Humanity has to "Be the Change" first. It's not an outer change either, but an inner one. The "outer world" will change to reflect what's inside of people, but it's the inner subtle changes that happen first. We do observe these changes occurring within Humanity, and we see things like the "Occupy" and "Arab Spring" movements as reflecting these inner changes.


We Suggest Simply Being Present In the Moment of Now and Trusting Love. We are all In this Together. Doubts only hinder the energetic process.






 Hi, I read all the posts on GFP and associated websites. I originally became very excited and relieved by what I was reading as I felt all the wearying strife was worth it.


I don't feel any different and am not seeing anything different in the world, in fact I'm becoming more down and depressed than before.


My family think I 'm mad and my friends are sceptical to say the least. I have fibromyalgia, ceoliac disease and hypothyroidism, life can be difficult.


I'm trying to be positive and send love and light out to the world but I feel very alone.


I don't feel any different and yet all I'm reading about is people discovering inner powers and meeting star family.


Please tell me this is not a cruel joke that I'm desperately wanting to be true.


Kind regards


Our Response:

Here is a Quote from our Last Update:



"We are getting some reports of people not seeing or feeling the changes. Well, if you are sitting on the sideline's and not participating, then you will not experience anything. You will have to participate to have the Experience. This is How the Oneness Energy Works. Humanity's Destiny and is Yours, is to Live Free In Peace, Joy, and Love. By Divine Decree this is Manifesting."


Also, You will have to release the programs that you have before you have these experience's. Right now Huge Amounts of Light are coming in. This is breaking down the programs, so many are probably going into doubt right now, ego's do that. Ego's are what is holding everyone at bay. Trust in Love, as Love is the Only real and keep your focus on that. The illusion is not real. All our Love.


More Response's From Guests:


There are many signs around you.....Governments are beginning to change, bankers are beginning to resign.....but the most important question is how are you changing? For your outer world will not change until your inner world does....what are you doing to help the planet ascend? How are you changing your beliefs, living in your heart, and being of service to others? Try to connect with others and groups that are like-minded so you will find support through these challenging times.....things have to fall apart that are no longer working (in our lives, and on the planet) before they can be better....and things are falling apart all around us, but at the same time new solutions are being presented......have faith.....trust.........We are Many, We are One...you are never alone....call on your angels and know without a doubt you are loved and supported by a Universe that has only your highest good in mind.....Love will Prevail!



~We Trust Love and We Are The Change

Thank You for standing with us and Participating in the Changes~



~Love Mother and FatherGod and The Earth Allies~

If You would Like an Amazing Session with us email us at MotherGod1111111@gmail.com





Congrats emailer.  You have

Guest's picture

Congrats emailer.  You have been duped by a bunch of deluded monkeys channeling voices in their heads.


False prophets and charlatans.


Credibility = 0%

Again Thank You for Your Love and Support

Lia's picture

Dear Guest, Thank You for Being an example for others of how not to treat others. All Our Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies

Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!


blazinriver's picture

   I attended the gathering yesterday and felt disappointed. It seemed to just be a big party of well wishers with not much substance. I guess I was looking for a deep serious group of people discussing what is about to happen. I left feeling very let down. Then as I reflected upon it I came to the realization that I missed the point all together. I was looking for something I could see, hear, touch, smell, or even taste. But that is what THIS world is. We can't be looking in the 3-D world for something that isn't here.

   Now if one needs proof of whether or not the light is infact coming all one has to do is read the news. The cabal is grasping at straws and pulling out all the stops to keep its grip on us. Just this morning another shooting. And I do feel for the families affected by all the killing going on in the world at this moment but it does seem to be what has to be. The beast is backed in a corner and is fighting for it's life trying to take as many with it as possible. And whether its a false flag or staged, or part of a conspiracy, the end game is still the same. The darkness is trying to extinguish the light.







the sessions are amazing !

Eduardo Hernandez's picture

Thanks for this blog MotherFatherGod!
I highly recommend everyone who has any doubt to give themselves a well deserved chance and ask all your questions in one of the wonderful sessions MotherFatherGod kindly offers to "all those who wants to hear"
I did and I sure let it all out of my chest; I had an enlightening experience and the curious part was that most of questions got answered even before I ask. If confused and troubled mind ; scheduling one of this sessions is definitely worth your time and effort .

Be the Change

gailight's picture

Yesterday was rather low for me.  Doubts and questions and having waited when expecting instant gratification were taking it's toll.  So I cried a little, felt sorry for me, what a waste that was.

So I asked to go into my heart and feel from there.  I did some calming meditation and answers started coming to me.  I was told I was not living in the NOW.  I was busy looking for somewhere else, forgetting where I was now.

I thought back over the last few months and realized so much had happened within me that I couldn't even remember all of it.  I am not at all the same, I have come very far in really a relatively short time.

World changes are leaking out daily.  Of course I want the Dark gone for all of us and Gaia. They are the best at what they do and we should expect them to fight till they are not.

Letting go of the last of ego means trusting.  Just Loving.  Be the Change.  Yes, I do understand that now.


Love and Light to all  Gai

~We Are Not Seeing Anything Changing~

Guest (DeSwiss)'s picture

It is understandable (at least to me), why so many have become despondent over what is perceived as a lack of change.  For centuries we have been taught to look outside of ourselves for change to be carried-out by others because (we were told) we are virtually powerless.  These self-regulating controls, once installed into our psyches, kept us in-line. We learned to police ourselves and to accept our lot in life because that is what we were taught to do from the very first. That is about to change.

However, the change we are looking for must necessarily start from within.  We must change the programming. An acorn from an oak tree can produce an orange tree -- if the seed's programming is changed before it is planted. Otherwise, it can only produce an oak tree because that's all it knows. So the changes we are looking for can only come about through the acceptance and belief in our own power and ability. That is what changes the programming -- our beliefs.


We must have faith in ourselves to be able to do all this. We must in fact, go against the very nature we have had inculcated into us for generations. And these ideas and beleifs were programmed into us by the very ones who loved us the most. Our parents, our relatives and our close friends. Because like the acorn with the old programs, that was all they knew to teach us.

Once this ''new and improved'' set of beliefs is in place, we must go about our lives as before, changing those things we can and continuing to attempt to change those things that we can't. But to never stop trying. As the energies from the central sun and our own sun increases, we will find our thoughts and abilities will quicken and heighten. Our powers will become evident to all with their eyes opened.

Why must it be this way? Why must it take so much time? Why can't the GFL just send in their ships and razzle-dazzle them and arrest these criminals and be done with it?!

First, the GFL is not here to do our jobs but to help us do those things we can't do for ourselves -- yet.  For example: most people would never allow a small child, say four or five years old, drive a car even though they may have a rudimentary understanding of what the pedals do and how the steering wheel works. This is because ''we adults'' realize that there is more to driving a car than just the pedals and the steering wheel.

So imagine if we were to be given access to all out true human powers and abilities at once. The ability to change where you are in space/time. The ability to stop hurtful things from happening. Along with the abilities of our fears and hatreds to become real. Like say, a huge lion coming from the bush to devour you! All these thoughts and beliefs can be made real with the power we have but which is controlled and held in-check by the veil within us. 

So if fear is still a part of you and your life, then you will reflect that fear immediately into reality. If sadness and despondency is a part of who you are now, then the law of karma will see that you experience it. That is why the dials and controls to our human empowerment of 4D and 5D are being turned up ever so slowly.

I say all this not because I am any less disappointed than anyone else. I too would love to shut my eyes and then reopen them and the world will have changed into the one we all seek. But then we would be undermining the very purpose for our desire to incarnate into 3D. I say these things because I understand the frustration of many who are tired of the hate and fear and corruption of The Powers That Be. They have ruled us through fear and by instilling hatred for others into us for millennia, and the time for this is coming to an end.

Already people who were taught to live in fear, are finding their courage. They are standing up to police, to soldiers, and to dictators and bringing them down. We can't expect that all that has evolved in our world for thousands upon thousands of years, will all be undone at once. Not because it can't be done that way, but because most people would have no idea of what to after it was done. And because we will have learned little by allowing others to do our homework.

The rubber is meeting the road, but ever so slowly and gently. For our sakes.
