We left.
We left for US.
We left for YOU.
We left to go and open the the door of Home.
Though we never went anywhere.
That's why we came.
To stay Here Now.
Experience, learn, see and finally Re-Member.
To bring the Door where WE are.
We came to show where Love can be found. Where the Path is. Where to look to find the road that brings Home.
Let go of the mind Dearest Souls, in there you'll only find errors and very few answers. Answers are there where you stopped looking for.
YOU are the Answer.
Your Holy Heart has All answers once you become able to still your mind and listen.
Listen to IT
Listen to YOUR Heart.
Liste to YOUR Self.
You're Truly Loved.
All of YOU.
All is part of US, that's why we went inside to Open the Door, knowing that once we went through it, All would be able to go through it too.
YOU Are God. God is In YOU. All of US are God, millions of God sparkles, millions of God galaxies hold together by Love.
The physical body is simply a small part of what you Are, and all that happens to your physical body is nothing but your thought's Energy. Let go of your mind and your Energy will follow your Heart. Then your body will reach a new purpose and state.
You can read, learn, study, practice but in the end the only way to Know is within YOU. Shut down the world and enter the Uni-Verse of your BEing.
We left illusion to show the path is Real.
We left to show that HUmanity's much more than the illusion shows.
Thus what we did is simply follow our Natural Path once we let go of the fearful illusion. We decided not to participate in the dream anymore. YOU can Choose too. To Wake up or to go on sleeping. No blame in any choice thus know that what you choose is what you'll experience, so if you choose fear do not be surprised if you'll experience fearful situations. If you Choose Love don't be surprised when Love comes In-to your Life.
You're part of the I Am that Is All That Is.
Do not believe anything else or you'll loose YourSelf. For nothing else exists in Reality.
You can truly Choose only between fear (illusion) or Love (Truth). Ask yourself what you feel when you make a Choice, is it out of Love or out of fear? If it's out of Love you're choosing the Divine Spark that YOU Are. If you choose fear you're choosing the illusionary boundaries of illusion. Fear lives in the past. It's build up in the mind by past experiences[programs] that try to forsee an illusionary future. Love is the Present Moment where all is existing Now and where all can be experienced. YOU exist in the Now, your mind in the past and future. YOU are Real, your mind is dreaming.
YOU are Divine and immortal, able to leave a body as one takes off clothes. What YOU Are will not change. When you choose Love and the Present Moment you experience it.
We laugh. Do it!
We dance. Do it!
We sing. Do it!
And We Love. Oh dear Soul BE IT!
Only Love can set YOU Free.
Don't be afraid, there's no sin. Sin is simply the mind prison. There's no punishment, only Energy. If you give your energy to fear, fear is what you shall see.
Love will experience All-Ways more Love.
The Door is Open. We opened it for all as We Are YOU. And what We Are YOU Are. Thousands of US came. Thousands of Doors are Now Open. Jump! I Am YOU.
Love, Andrea
I Am Free, I Am Love.
Thank You!! (xinfinity) !!! This was PERFECT for me to read right now, Sending you Infinite Love and Light, and I hope to meet you in person so I can hug you and say Thank you, I love you! <3
Lets HUG Right Now
Lets HUG Right Now then!!!
WOW... Nice One LOL!
Thanks for the Multidimentional Hug of Now!
Love YOU
You Got IT!! :D:D
You Got IT!! :D:D **Hugs**
Thank YOU For Being Awesome!! <3
MIrror Love
MIrror Love
Made me cry
Thank you so much for this - reading the first few paragraphs just moved me and I cried copiously. I do want to go HOME. Thank you brothers and sisters in the Light for opening the door and letting us here on earth to re-member.
I Love
Andrea, This is so awesome :) Thank You Much, I AM YOU!