This is the most intense geoengineered aerosol (chemtrail) coverage over a populated, food producing, area that I have ever seen, in my years of viewing satellite images, and studying chemtrails. This intense chemtrailing is an open declaration of WAR against all of mankind.
HAARP and chemtrails are being used to reduce human population as quickly as possible, with the side effect of triggering the arctic methane catastrophe. The methane venting from the arctic is increasing ten-fold each year, for the last five years. One, or two, more summers, and the arctic methane emergency will be exponential, unstoppable, and terminal for 95% of the life on planet earth, in only a few decades.
Geoengineered aerosols prevent ALL rain, by
1) preventing the peak heating of the day, which stops cloud formation,
2) by creating a hot air layer aloft (thermal inversion) which prevents thunderstorm development,
3) the nano-metal hydroxide particles absorb water vapor out of the air, causing the humidity to drop, and the temperature to rise (the opposite of evaporation, it heats the air, instead of cooling it.), and
4) This heating reaction reinforces the hot air layer aloft (capping inversion), even at night, preventing nighttime thunderstorms.
Geoengineered Aerosols destroy the ozone layer, causing deadly ultraviolet (UV) to reach the surface. The cancer causing form of UV is UV-B, and that has increased from 0.6% in 2002, to 7.0% in 2014 (of total UV reaching the surface). This is a 1070% increase in twelve years.
Dane Wigington has measured UV-C in very high amounts. This is germicidal UV, and shatters DNA in seconds. This type of UV has not reached the surface for hundreds of millions of years.
The increased, deadly, UV is the main cause for the mass extinctions around the world, including the loss of coral reefs, and dying plankton. This is caused by the chemtrail nano-metal particles, which break down ozone in the upper atmosphere. If this is not stopped soon, planet Earth will die, with us going with it.
Chemtrails are being used to stop rain in critical food growing areas of California, Texas, Florida, and especially Mexico. The NATO nations have agreed to permit chemtrailing, on the assumption it is used to slow global warming. However, the truth is that geoengineered aerosols are triggering runaway, catastrophic, global heating (caused by exponential arctic methane release. Methane is a greenhouse gas, that is 100 times worse than carbon dioxide, and there is enough methane in one part of the Arctic sea, to increase total greenhouse gas content of the atmosphere by 300 times.)
Geoengineered aerosols contain aluminum and barium. Both these metals are extremely toxic to plants and animals, and are partially responsible for the mass extinctions happening in the northern hemisphere.
One reason for the geoengineered aerosols, is there is a HUGE amount of money to be made by CERTAIN parties, who have pre-positioned themselves to profit from severe drought (this is a New York based organization, not California based.)
The ONLY way this global killing machine will be stopped is by everyone learning what is going on. Silence is death, and if this is not stopped, planet earth will be dead in 20 years.
The "people" in charge must be located, arrested, and put on trial, under authority of the 2002 Rome Statute, which has jurisdiction over genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes.
I've had this information for YEARS, but have been too afraid to go public with it. But, since our planet will be dead in a few decades (if this continues), there is no more need for fear! We have NOTHING to loose anymore, by going public with EVERYTHING we know. That is my approach from now on. I hope you will join me in being brave, and standing up to protect our families, and all the plants and creepy crawlies that we share this world with. They, too, have rights that are being destroyed by the "people" in charge.
Wake up, fight back, or die - it is that simple! I'm sorry to tell you, but there is no time left for fear or indecision.
Please join Dane Wigington at, to help stop this eco-cide.
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PS - to the paid shills, don't bother, I will delete your "assigned talking points".
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