We Know There Is Life On Other Planets : Afghanistan Parliament Chairman

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Source: UFO-Blogger - 6/23/13


A new Wikileaks cable has emerged which discusses the acknowledgement of Extra Terrestrial life. This cable is a message sent on January 15, 2010 from an Afghan Embassy to Washington DC. 

According to cable, On January 13 Ambassador called on Dushanbe Mayor and Chairman of the upper house of Parliament Mahmadsaid Ubaidulloev at his parliamentary office.

The Mayor began the meeting with a lengthy discourse on Afghanistan, thanking the United States for its contributions and sacrifices there, and saying that U.S. activities there were very important "as we enter the third millennium and the 21st century."

Ubaidulloev thought the main task there was to build a sense of national identity among ethnically disparate groups, and said the United States was an example for this. He noted that "war is very dangerous", and said "we know there is life on other planets, but we must make peace here first."
To say that this is very interesting news would be an understatement considering the amount of disclosures that have been released recently. Hopefully these acknowledgements will continue to be released at a more rapid pace.

Source : http://wikileaks.org/cable/2010/01/10DUSHANBE82.html


