Galactic Love Reporter Lucas ~ We Made It People Of The Human Kind ~ 2012
The Struggle Is Almost Over
I know now for sure 2012 will be a marvelous year for us all and the abundance program will come into action soon. I was over the moon when I heard the news from Benjamin Fulford that the breakthrough in the financial system has been made so the new is just around the corner. It made my strong conviction of the help we get and got to ensure the new heaven on earth to be acknowledged. The help by the white hats and our outer and inner- earth families, and all who I forgot to mention (will call them lightbeings of all kinds) has made this possible. We did also do our part in this. We made it people of the human kind.
We are going to see the new year 2012 unfolding the new stages to remove the last obstacles. The struggle to fulfill our destiny becoming the 5D part of the Galactic Family as our Mother Earth will lead our way. We will reunite with all our loved ones. We all may feel One with the One. We will have the change to test (with some guidance and help) our new abilities. We will know only abundance, All for the good for All is the only thing that matters. No more duality issues, ego, etc playing up. Wonderful to have peace and harmony at last in being the peace and harmony our selves through being One with All.
No buts and maybe’s . All what you’re gonna think with your heart thinking centre will have been manifesting itself. We will be seeing our new technologies solving our problems of energy, transport, food, etc. We will see the ones we knew as 3D prophets our Masters of Light, the Archangels and much more. Yes heaven on Earth is truly to be established. We will soon be the new kids on the block exploring the vast new worlds experiencing also duality transforming into Oneness and Ascension. We have been the special ones who have been making history in Ascension and awakening in a short time without precedence. This is why all those galactic beings are so interested in our developments.
A New beginning of the New Year with a stream of love that continuous to form the lightbodies of us and Earth to at last Ascend to the new level of our galactic dimensional training. The crystalline Angels we are will find their ways into the new realms and be the new god creators. Let us enjoy our sounding out the Old Year 2011 with a toast to everyone mentioning: The Struggle is almost over and we will prevail in being the lights and unconditional love we have to be as it is our nature.
Love and Light to all of you wished from my heart. I will be back and ready serving you all in 2012.
(c) 2011 – Copyright of Lucas, all writings, channelings of Lucas only may be published, re-blogged and posted with the name and http:// link to the original article and or blog mentioned in the article with name of the author/channeler Lucas.