We need the assistance of all Lightworkers… We need your unconditional trust as well as your unconditional love

Lia's picture

Message from The Star Councils of Light, 11 August 2012, through Amuna Ra… “”

Posted on 2012/08/11

[UPDATE 1810 HST: I was searching and searching, as I knew there was a reference to "Tomorrow is the Day" here. Finally I read the first paragraph, and it says this:


"We wish to show ourselves tomorrow if the conditions are favourable, and we wish you all to prepare to meet us within your beings."


So there you have it. I suggest holding all of this in the Light. And not setting conditions on any of it. Note: the London Olympics closing ceremony begins tomorrow at 2000 UTC, 1600 EDT, 1000 HST]


This piece came in just now, sent to me from Maria Luisa Vasconcellos (Mike Quinsey’s co-worker of SaLuSa and Light). I’ve never seen this website or this channeler. And I am not posting it to “make it viral”.

I am posting it because I felt extremely drawn to the message here, and felt that it aligns very closely with what has been coming through several others recently (specifically GaiaPortal (“All Light-aligned beings come together as barriers have been released”), Cobra (“Whenever we connect with the universe beyond the Veil… we enter a reality where the Cabal can not reach us with its tricks.”), and SaLuSa (“…there are no instances known to us that would show any form of hostility against you. Please do not confuse us with the Greys…”)), and myself (“We are here to rise up. And that means “UP”.”), about our inner relationship to “the Galactics”. And in the “knowing” that any who are with us at this moment on the planet, are here to help us, and to be part of our Ascension process.

We are NOT talking about blindly trusting some “divine gurus” or some “fearless leaders” who intend to lead us like drones to wherever they want us to go. That paradigm is over… That paradigm is finished… That paradigm exists no more.


We are NOT talking about trusting some kind of crazed group of reptilians or greys that intend to enslave us all, all over again. That paradigm is over… That paradigm is finished… That paradigm exists no more.

We are NOT talking about continually tuning in to those internet websites and messages and messengers who keep trying to fill minds with fear about the changes taking place on this planet. That paradigm is over… That paradigm is finished… That paradigm exists no more.

We are NOT talking about losing who WE are by following someone else’ dreams or visions as if they should be our own. That paradigm is over… That paradigm is finished… That paradigm exists no more.

This message is about placing our trust WITH those whose intent aligns with ours, collectively, as “awake and aware of the Galactic citizens that we are” Beings (capital “B”). And sending the collective intent for Ascension as an Awakened Planet of Awakened Beings, aware of their Galactic Citizenship, out into the Universe.


THAT paradigm is here… NOW.



  • We need the assistance of all Lightworkers on your planet who know of our existence and have pledged themselves to work for the forces of light.
  • Last weekend we routed the attempts of the dark forces to derail our plans, and now we come once more to the point where we will be able to show ourselves to your leaders and on the world stage.
  • Trust is a mark of your knowledge and full acceptance that we truly work to assist humanity.
  • We know that very many of you accept the fact of our constant assistance in your own lives and are grateful for it. Now we need the assistance of your constant trust in us and our work for the best evolution of your planet. The Time is Now…
  • Become conscious co-workers with us, by giving us your unconditional trust, dear ones, we pray of you.
  • Let your light shine out with pure love and with the trust that all will work out for the good in the best way possible.


[From Amuna Ra]: At 2pm on Saturday 11 August, I asked: Do you have anything you wish to transmit to me right now? I received this heartfelt plea – please share it!



Oh Amuna Ra, we do. We wish you to post this message on the websites for all to see and share. Tonight we come close to you as we have said. We wish to show ourselves tomorrow if the conditions are favourable, and we wish you all to prepare to meet us within your beings. Meditate and pray for our favourable reception and welcome, dear ones, for we need your help. We need the assistance of all Lightworkers on your planet who know of our existence and have pledged themselves to work for the forces of light.


Last weekend we routed the attempts of the dark forces to derail our plans, and now we come once more to the point where we will be able to show ourselves to your leaders and on the world stage. We know that some of you are losing heart when we are not able to come at the time you expected, and we say to you that your trust is much needed, dear ones, for you are unaware of what is taking place behind the scenes. We need your unconditional trust as well as your unconditional love.

Trust is a mark of your knowledge and full acceptance that we truly work to assist humanity. Your timescales are not the same as ours, and yet with the opening portals the gaps are narrowing. You will become more used to how time is warping and apparently shrinking. You will become more used to how you need to maintain a flexible and fluid trust in our goodwill and support us unwaveringly in our work, even when you do not see it with your eyes.


We know that very many of you accept the fact of our constant assistance in your own lives and are grateful for it. Now we need the assistance of your constant trust in us and our work for the best evolution of your planet. The Time is Now, and all must unite in unity consciousness with us. We are now completely within the atmosphere of the earth, breathing along with Gaia, and we wish to breathe along with you in all consciousness, dear Lightworkers! Become conscious co-workers with us, by giving us your unconditional trust, dear ones, we pray of you. Your consciousness makes a very big difference to the frequency of the earth, for every vibration which emanates from you affects the whole. Let your light shine out with pure love and with the trust that all will work out for the good in the best way possible. Then we may be welcomed when we are able to reveal ourselves to your planet Earth.


Our gratitude to you, dear ones, in advance for your help.

The Star Councils of Light, 11 August 2012




The reveal

Regie Saxerud 's picture

I watch for you every day, and have for 40 years! You don't think Im going to stop now?! Its the Carnival! Let's play!

Forget about our

Prajo's picture

Forget about our unconditional trust. We have already lost our trust in you entirely.


Dale's picture

Dear Star Family,


You certainly have my love and my trust.  Hope disclosure works out for so people can see.  Whenever you feel we are ready enough please come.  The sooner the better in my thinking.  Can't wait.  Love to all.