Welcome to the eight Gathering around the Pond, Sunday December 1 by Aisha North

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Welcome to the eight Gathering around the Pond, Sunday December 1 by Aisha North




Dear friends!


We are approaching the final month in 2013, and all I can say is that never has time seemed to pass as quickly as it does now. How can it be almost a year since we were all eagerly awaiting 12.21.12, that fabled date in that fabled year, when we expected everything to change? Looking back, I do see so much that has changed, but as the CCs remind us again and again, nothing happens in the way and at the time you expect it to. A friend told me the other day that this year has been far more transformational in every way than 2012 was, and I have to agree with him. And you do not have to look further than to this Pond to see that. For this is the year that this Pond truly came into its own, when each and every one of you started to pour more and more light into this space, and when each and every one of you reached deeper and deeper into the light within yourself. 


And now we stand here, poised to enter the month that will take us all the way to the new year. We are all very different people from the ones we were only a few months ago, but I know we are going to find ourselves growing and evolving even more in the time ahead. Many of you are celebrating your Holidays this weekend, but I think it is a perfect time for thanksgiving for us all. And so I want to thank YOU for all that YOU are and for all that YOU bring to this Pond, and to this world. YOU are making a difference, WE are making a difference with every breath we take, to quote the CCs, and that is so true. And on Sunday during our Gathering around the Pond, we have a wonderful opportunity to give thanks to ourselves and to each other by sitting down and connecting through that grid of light that we have created here. And when we do so, we will also make a huge impact on the rest of this world.


This is what the CCs have to say about it:


“As you have already noticed, the incoming energies are making themselves heard in all kinds of ways, and we gather that for many of you, a new voice, the voice of stillness, has also made itself heard these late few days and nights. We know that this voice can be easily overlooked in all of this hubbub, but even so, it is there. And remember, when we say stillness, it is not as in nothing, it simply refers to the point of balance, the part of time and space that can be described as the still point, the womb if you will, of everything. And so, we invite you all to venture into this womb of the light, and to do so at the aforementioned Gathering, when you are all invited to sit down and reconnect yourself even deeper to this shimmering and vibrant grid you have already created. For this is indeed a construction that you have made possible by your willingness to go not only far within, but also by your willingness to venture further afield than ever before, and as such, it is indeed such a vast encompassing garment of light that you have all woven together. And now, we will invite you to enter the inner sanctum of this grid, the point where time itself stands still, and where you will find such a vast repository of light, it will ignite a spark in every single particle of your being.


And when you enter, you will be received as the true heroes you are. For you do not come there empty handed, you come there carrying all that you are, and that is above and beyond what any human being previously can claim. For you are only the last in a long line of energetic imprints walking this Earth, and as such, you bring within you the message that has been accumulating for eons, as each successive incarnation has added his or her legacy to this string of information. And so you come to stand before us, carrying a shimmering garland of energetic information that now will be received by All, and it will be utilized to bring mankind into the future in a way that will ensure there is no going back to the old. For what you carry with you is in many ways a heavy burden. It is a burden of sadness, anger and pain, but also one of joy, love and understanding. But the former carry so much more weight than the latter, and now all of that old baggage will be received with open arms.


For as we have told you earlier, nothing is of no value to All of creation, as all is indeed energy. And once it has completed its cycle, it will return to that sea of possibility, from where it will be utilized again and again in creating the new. And so, what you bring before us will be received as the heavenly gifts they truly are. For from this, will rise the new Earth, the Earth that will be created from the old, but will be created from the purest of energetic matter, and through you and through your love it will rise as a phoenix from the ashes of the old. So we salute you all, for it has taken mankind such a long time to get to this point, where you are truly ready to surrender the old and surrender yourselves fully to the process of creating the new. And you are the ones that have made it all possible. So now we invite you all to take that final step into this womb of creation, and to do so with all that you are. And do not think you are not worthy to stand before this light, for remember, the more you carry with you, the more you will feed this fire of resurrection. So we thank you again on behalf of All of creation, for what you bring are gifts beyond comparison, and what you will be given in return, is the chance to remake it all in the image of love.”




Earlier this week, I was guided to go for a walk in the frost-covered forest, and I knew it was because I was to take a picture for this message about the Gathering. For this is how I saw the energies connected to it: white, pristine, and as a blank, pure canvas waiting for us to add colours and life to it. I am so looking forward to see the vibrant world we will create together! And I am so looking forward to seeing you all this Sunday 


With love and gratitude from me, Aisha


Here are some examples of local time that corresponds with 21:00 Oslo time:


London: 20:00

Helsinki: 22:00

Sao Paulo: 06:00 PM

New York: 03:00 PM

El Paso: 01:00 PM

Los Angeles: 12:00 PM

Singapore: 04:00 AM Monday

Tokyo: 05:00 AM Monday

Sydney: 07:00 AM Monday


You can find your local time here: http://www.thetimezoneconverter.com/


As always, you can do this whenever you feel it is best for you. All you need to do, is to sit down and connect with this energy with an intention of being a part of this Gathering.



Channeller: Aisha North