Many today are freaked out over the possibility of a global pole shift, hours to days of darkness, the approach of asteroids, " ELE's --extinction level events, global economic collapse, threats of nuclear war, growing crime, terrorism and all manner of looming disasters.
People feel both helpless and hopeless when they lack awareness of the numerous Divine agencies that are active on their behalf.
The greatest power and protection is available to everyone through the powerful Saving Grace of the Christ and His multi-dimensional co-workers.
One of these many agencies is the Ashtar Galactic Command, the airborne division of the Spiritual Hierarchy which operates under the directives of Jesus the Christ, the Most Radiant One.
In this seminar we will share with you exactly what we of the Ashtar Galactic Command are doing in overseeing, supervising and protecting the people of Light.
Our ground based volunteers and their families will be lifted out of harms way in the event of an actual polar shift such as the Mayan Elders have foreseen occurring.
You are really putting time and energy to no good use in your endless speculations about what may or may not happen during this dimensional shift of the ages. What—may we be so bold as to ask –could you do about it in any case?
Those who are purely left brained in approach and world view—of a purely scientific viewpoint---i.e.--- I have to physically prove it exists before I’ll believe it’s real---are the most challenged.
You would be wise to consider those many invisible things that you depend upon to exist every day! For example, you can’t physically see Oxygen, Gravity, Electricity, Quarks, or even the Atoms of which you and everything else is composed---to name only a few invisible necessities of life.
In the same dimensionally ignorant and new paradigm challenged group as the left brained scientists and intellectuals are the Atheists and others who are living from a superficial, pop cultural, Social, mass mindset.
These ego-centric individuals don’t even have the reassurance of any possibility of a higher Power (that is also invisible and seen only through eyes of faith) that might possibly be looking out for them—in spite of themselves and their non belief.
Nevertheless, great care and loving provision takes into account every single Soul on this planet. We of the Ashtar Galactic Command are part of this guardian action that is taking a very active role in safeguarding this planet and its life wave during this relocation into a new dimensional wavelength.
You are currently oscillating in and out of the new dimensional matrix—appearing in and out of visibility as you learn to stabilize your vibrational wavelengths. When this is accomplished, you will remain in the new energy grid field.
You need do nothing about that but yield yourself in total trust in God, and embrace the experience without fear and resistance. ENJOY your life—every bit of it and relish every experience of this greater ALIVENESS now inviting you to enter in and revel in delight.
You of Earth do not need to know any of the details of the how and the when because they are completely beyond your Human range of perception and ability to register at a conscious level.
Trust that your shift individually and collectively will also occur very safely, according to Divine order and perfection---WITHOUT your ever being aware of it at a conscious level.
It has already been decided by your Loving Creator, that few would survive if they had to go through the dimensional shift with all that it may entail, such as a polar shift etc. if they had to go through this awake and conscious.
Previous shifts have left only a small remnant. For this reason this shift will be facilitated in a different manner where Humanity will be facilitated out of conscious registration of the event.
We have numerous ways of accomplishing this and you need to know that this level of the mission is OUR job assignment from the Most High. You tend to your mission assignments and trust that we will be attending to ours.
What we have to share with you in this seminar will hopefully put your fears to rest.
We want you to realize how deeply you are Divinely loved, looked after and cared for.
You'll rejoice when you realize how you are continually being shifted in and out of these time-space holodek programs.
Only a slight alteration of the time line and dimensional grid coordinates is required on our part, to shift you out of harms way.
These shifts allow for your popping in and out of situations--without any cognitive registering of what took place--or effort-- on your part.
If an actual polar shift were to ever occur you would never even be consciously aware it even occurred at a Human level.
You can relax and trust that whatever may or may not happen, God has you covered!
We of the Ashtar Galactic Command are one of many groups that is being Divinely utilized in assisting Earth in this great "shift of the ages"!!!
It is a time of rejoicing as a long cycle of labor is coming to completion. This is not the end of the Earth or the destruction of humanity---but rather its total transformation into a kinder and gentler version of the Earth---one less dense and by far one more loving.
This is an important seminar for our Ground Crew if you have any degree of fear about the polar shift.
Excerpts from our Web radio transmission- seminar Sept. 14, 2011
Weds. 8 to 9: PM WWW.BBSRADIO.COM Station 1