Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
I’m sure it’s become clear that I’ve been experiencing a potent transformation lately, and I imagine the same can be said for many of you. I think that we’re each experiencing a unique personal transformation, and that we might surprise ourselves with the direction we choose to take and the things we choose to orient our focus toward from here on out.
It’s been said that change is inevitable, and change can be a good thing if we embrace it while keeping our roots and “origins” if you will, in mind.
If we can remember and know who we are and have always been, I think that we can experience an incredible transformation and become upgraded versions of our current selves as we greet the next step of our ongoing evolution.
For me, this shift continues to come about in unexpected ways and I find my interest drawn more toward other aspects of our evolution and my contribution to such evolution than what’s worked for me up to this point. It’s no secret that I feel much more led to writing lately, and I’ve expressed my growing interest in music as well.
I can only be honest in saying that I feel less enthusiasm to channel these days and more to write and expand such writing and especially to produce and play music. I don’t have anything against channeling or the widespread messages published to the internet every day – I just don’t feel as drawn to do it as I once did.
Of course, everything I offer is “channeled” in its own right, because it’s all divinely inspired and intended to impart the good vibration of the higher realms. When writing articles or music, I’m “channeling” energy from a deeper part of myself that’s being expressed in a different way than directly channeling an entity.
Channeling itself is mostly understood as a method of connecting with certain higher-dimensional entities or guides, but in all honesty, inspired connection with a deeper part of oneself brings through a creative flow and sparks a process very similar to channeling.
I connect with a deeper facet of my consciousness every time I channel, no matter the source, because in my opinion, that’s a necessary part of the channeling process. In all creative endeavors, I have a feeling that we connect with deeper parts of ourselves before and while the resulting material is produced.
Knowing this, I understand that I’ll really never stop channeling. Even in the traditional sense of bringing through higher-vibrational information intended to assist and uplift, I don’t necessarily intend to stop.
Lately, I feel the desire to abolish the need to connect with a specific labeled source, partly because of the hype that can come with it, and until very recently the idea started to resonate with me that there are no labels or names in the higher dimensions.
I thought this because the tendency to label or mentally analyze something seems to be a human one, but when I really think about it, “information”, “analysis” and “knowing” as we perceive them are likely intensified in the higher dimensions, as is everything else.
Thus, the idea that there are no names or labels can perhaps be replaced with the idea that the names and labels are much more complex in the higher realms, and we’re given simplified versions of the “names” of the guides we connect with.
I was ready and willing to write about the concept of names and labels being non-existent in the higher realms, but when it comes down to it, the desire to cease communicating with any specific guide or group of guides is mine and possibly mine alone and can’t be attributed to the labeling of channeled guides being a purely human concept.
It can perhaps be attributed to my developing desire to reach as many people as possible who might be unreachable by the Pleiadians, Ascended Masters, etc. just yet. I’m talking about awakening people who can’t and just won’t yet resonate with channeled messages purporting to come from certain famous guides or groups, because of their understandable sense of discernment.
I had (and still have) the same discernment when I first started reading channels, and SaLuSa, Hilarion and a few others awakened me to the reality of it all. I was fortunate to be able to break through my own discernment-formed barrier and believe in the reality of everything we’re doing here, but there are plenty of others out there who can’t say the same.
I think that channeling messages from the higher self and/or our Universal Family as a whole would be a great, albeit more generalized, way to reach those people who can’t resonate with or believe in messages purported to come from enlightened extraterrestrials or Archangelic guides.
There are plenty of channels out there bringing through messages from specific, labeled extraterrestrial or Angelic sources, and since I recognize this I can use my perceived “ability” to communicate in a different way that could reach more people than might have otherwise been reached.
Concluded in Part 2 tomorrow. To read the whole writing, head here.
Image: http://www.oneness4all.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/crossroads.jpg
Wes Annac is a 20 year old awakening seeker and creator of The Aquarius Paradigm daily news site.
The Aquarius Paradigm features daily spiritual and alternative news, as well as writings from Wes and more. Come check us out!
See also The Aquarius Paradigm on Facebook, Wes Annac’s Personal Blog and The Golden Age of Gaia.
Good on you
Dear Wes,
Lovely wise post thank you. I must say feel the same way, less and less into channelling, especially as I got real burned by false misleading messages recently and lost all me money to crooks! The big problem is how do we know beings are who they say they are - it's hard enough in the human world. I recently communicated with a 'lawyer' who talked like a lawyer but was using a false ID! Astral beings and CIA ops etc. implants perhaps can wreak havoc with channels and channelling; 'hitchhikers' can come along for the astral ride trickster spirits who can put on the angel costume play their parts excellent actors like politicians, these days they make me sick to my stomach I have to switch off the TV, they are so obviously an act. I too now just try to talk to my Higher Self and always pray to Christ etc, first that only highest can come and I still take everything said with a grain of salt a little bit keep my discrimination, my bs detector. It's hard though someone said humans are ridiculously easy to be manipulated and deceived the devil has a field day - remember even Hitler posed as a good guy especially in the beginning, the Saviour of Germany and all that - Lo, Satan is become an angel of light.! I have spiritual friends who won't touch channelled material so it is right to speak and write from yourself yoru won soul. For me the best way to look at it is one can go into meditation and align and then it's Not I, but Christ in me, or as Socrates said my daimon some higher mind part of me or my Muse peaks through me us at that moment. There may even then be distortions but we are being responsible for what is said and not o the Pleiadians said this and so on and so this has got to be true! Joe Blogs didn;t say it Arcturus said it!