Wes Annac ~ The Next Step ~ 4 February 2014

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wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm

From here on out, the flow never stops.

The material I intend to produce will never stop flowing in, because I recognize that I’m here to use writing to help change the world. As some of you might know, lately I’ve been asking myself what role I want to play in humanity’s awakening (while encouraging others to do the same) and the answer has just hit me in an amazing way.

Any seeker who classifies themselves as a “wanderer” probably moves about from task to task asking themselves what they really want to do in a time of heightened consciousness, and I’m no different. I constantly question if what I’m doing in any moment is beneficial, to myself and others, but now, I feel secure that writing is the path I want to take.

Like a musician who uses melodies to impart the message of spirit (music is also a creative outlet for me), I want to use writing to help uplift the conscious public and the world abroad. Hopefully, some of you are going through something similar, because I have to say that it feels great.

I’m fully prepared to accept the discipline required to commit to this task, and you’re invited to do the same for whatever you’re drawn to. The higher vibration descending onto our minds and hearts is causing an explosion in the number of committed free thinkers who are ready to accept the challenges ahead in the name of a new world.

Everything we do is to help raise the planetary vibration. The conscious wayshowers who’ve made the decision to work away for the evolution of humanity are tasked with putting all of themselves into the role they choose to play, and instead of wading around in indecision, we’re encouraged to ask ourselves just how we want to sing our song.

Awareness, both spiritual and geopolitical, is reaching the public like never before.

As more people consciously decide to serve the evolution of the planet, the strength of our worldwide force grows. We’re on the cusp of building a new society based in the principles of peace, harmony, justice, and equality, and every person will rediscover spirit and aptly work to awaken humanity in ways that “feel” right for them in due time.

Soon, the entire world will be awake and aware of the massively misaligned condition society is in, and when we all wake up, we’ll purge the influence of the powers that were and come together to run our planet in a fair and just way that takes the needs of every person into account.

We’re each discovering the role we want to play in a new world, and the powers that were don’t possess anywhere near the ability they’d need to stop this growing spiritual revolution.

The motivated seekers who recognize that the world is ready for driven change are putting themselves on the front lines to bring about a new paradigm (or to at least start talking about it) and humanity’s awakening is as inevitable as the paradigm shift that’s causing it.

We understand the principles of peace and justice, among many others, and we’re ready to create a new civilization with basic laws that don’t control or oppress the people. No more will unjust laws be forced onto us while abuse of power in the areas of government, finance, religion, etc. go practically unpunished.

No more will our precious environment be ravaged in the name of the greed of the few, and no more will people be treated differently because of their race, religion, or economic status. We’re all family, and we aren’t meant to fight each other over petty differences.

We’re meant to respect and love each other for the things we have in common, because we’re moving out of an era of separation and hatred. Conflict is being replaced with peace and harmony, but this process can’t come full circle until the people who continue to get away with crimes against humanity are brought to justice.

Injustice has been rife for centuries, and for the most part, the people who’ve caused it have gotten away with their crimes.

Bernie Madoff may have been caught, but how many billionaires like him are held accountable for what they’ve done and continue to do? Even though the former powers haven’t caused all of our problems, why aren’t they held accountable for the ones they have?

It’s time for divine justice, and the rise of the conscious public will enable it and a lot of other things to happen. We’re here to do great things, and we have to start somewhere with the knowledge that we’ll reap the fruit of our effort as long as effort is shown.

Personally, I consider everything I write as practice; a sharpening of this expressive ability. This is where I’m at with my writing right now, and I’ll continue to practice and hone my expression in hopes that what’s produced along the way will benefit the conscious public. As always, this is only the beginning.

Wes Annac – Using my time here to do as much as possible.

www.wesannac.com / link to original article




ChristConscious's picture

I am grateful for YOU and your creative writing!