Deep within you, Venus is looking for something that you need to build your life around what you love most deeply. It's right there, but you've forgotten it. Maybe you've lost touch with it. Perhaps you've overlooked it. Whatever the case, Venus is re-connecting with you with the values that go deep enough to sustain your life.
* Your reality is being re-wired, minute by minute, choice by choice. It's a time to be bold and remain flexible! For almost all of the next four months, at least two of the personal planets will be retrograde. We're talking Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, the energies that are involved in how we communicate, what and how we love, the way we take action and deal with conflict, how we access grace and good fortune, and the structures that we call "reali
* With Venus' new cycle at the center of it all, the key is to maintain the dynamic balance between the Cosmic Feminine and the Sacred Masculine energies within you. Don't get stuck in either one! Make plenty of time for connecting iwth yoru inner world, take action in your outer world, and return to the inner world for guidance. Live like the whole-brianed being that you are -- a creature of both heaven and earth.
The Cosmic Feminine is returning, more fully empowered than we have seen her in many thousands of years. If you get one reading this year, it should be "The Cosmic Feminine Unfolding Within You." This reading traces the unique path of return and regeneration the Cosmic Feminine is taking through your inner sky -- and your outer life. We'll look at:
- Venus and the Moon, the two primary carriers of the Cosmic Feminine, and where, when, and how their cycles will shape your life in the year ahead -- the most transformative energies of our lifetimes.
- Persephone, Proserpina, Ceres, Pallas, the ancient queens of the invisible world.
- Hekate, Medusa, Black Moon Lilith , and Eris, the goddesses whose power was so transformative they were feared and demonized by the culture of domination.