~What’s Your View of 11~11~11?~
I had originally intended to look at your reactions to 11/11//11 from the two articles here with comments, plus those shared on the 2012S and Share11 discussion groups. I got through the two articles here but it is already late at night and I don’t believe I’ll get to the discussion groups as well. So let me post these comments for now.
I don’t see my job as being a cheerleader or promoter. I see it as being a truthteller. So if nothing happened for you on 11/11/11, that’s quite fine with me. It’s your truth that’s important, and not what anyone may think is the “right” thing to say.
I’ll save my comments for my own share, which comes next.
Let’s take a look at what you have to share about your own experience. (For space reasons, I cannot reproduce the totality of people’s shares. Just the highlights. Sorry.)
Not Much Out of the Ordinary
[So that no one feels embarrassed, I'm just going with initials in this first section.]
W: I went to bed 11/10 with a sense of excited anticipation. Woke up and nothing felt or looked different. I was so hoping for something to indicate some changes. I have to confess to being disappointed.
B: Aside from a generally “nice, pleasant-to-be-in mood,” today is pretty much the same as all the previous yesterdays for me.
J: I would say that the 11th had some noticeable differences but things I’ve felt before. Overall I’ve felt a growing increase in my happiness since the beginning of the year. Instead of there being an up and down effect, I’ve felt a continual state of being in the flow of happiness this year.
G: Nothing dramatic happened from my perspective…I am just filled with a lot of hope and trying my best to enjoy this journey. My husband felt the air being filled with a lot of positive energy unlike anytime before. He said something changed.
D: I too wish I would have felt some bliss, but nothing remarkable happened.
A: Nothing… To my utter amazement – absolutely nothing feels different to my feelings, compared to other changes. After all this titanic work.
[And A later writes:] Uhmmm… I am taking my words back. As soon as I wrote this – I started remembering everything else that stuck in me and tears rushed in, then I saw somwthing I have never seen – someone’s silhouette to the left, he rushed to me and vanished and some other things. And I also realised that particularly this 11-11-11 energy is soooooooooooo humble and subtle that it will start whenever you are ready.
S: Had a fairly ordinary quiet day. Did my meditation lying in a salt bath. Waited for the fireworks Don’t feel much difference – just very sleepy.
[Then S writes in again:] S here again… wanted to add, at this Moment, I feel/think that I can only pick up/read Love in everyone! Just as we have been reading all about… Well Now it appears that I literally have no other choice. lol I shared that with my fellow energy worker, laughing too that I am glad that ‘releasing emotions’ (i.e. The Emotion Code), so to speak, is not my 3D business here. I’d be out of that business now. lol
So Truly, it feels for me at least, that only seeing/feeling Love with everyone is what I am to do and have been practicing actually, with all that I have been doing. So I Truly feel that I am still on ‘the path’. WOW!
M: Well, I got nuthin’. Yet, anyway. (We still have 6 hours before 11/11 is over.) Meditated right through the 11:11 am time slot, which felt really good, but I didn’t get hit with a bolt of lightning or anything like that. Imagery was kinda muddy and indistinct.
J: I’ve been REALLY SICK all day! Now I can’t say if this is because of cosmic energies from space or due to something I ate last night, but after all these years I have not experienced anything that has even remotely indicated to me that any of these channeled messages are actually true. When are we going to get to feel these wonderful new experiences we’ve been waiting for? When i look around me I am not seeing any mass awakenings. People from my perspective in daily life are not growing in spirituality and the news is as horrific as it has always been. Also despite all my efforts I have not felt any cosmic rays from Source nor had any contact from angels, spirit guides, E.T.’s, my higher Self, faeries,elves, ascended masters or God. Yes I’ve read all the books, did the meditations and…NOTHING. Sure maybe it’s just me but outside of the people who have their own New Age blogs, nobody else I know is having these magical mystical experiences. Which leads me to ask once again- “IS ANY OF THIS REALLY HAPPENING?”
I: The channels have told in no unspecific words that all of us, even those not aware of all the things we discuss on this list, would feel a change on 11-11-11.
And that has not happened, many people do not feel any different. … My point being: if their predictions of 11-11-11 do not come true in the way a lot of us read they would… then how can we trust the other information brought to us in that way?
Some Unpleasantness
Michelle: The morning of 11/11/11 I felt heavy and a little sad. I was surprised by this as I assumed I would be experiencing some sort of high. I also physically felt a sharp pain in the center of my breastbone, I thought I was having some kind of heart attack or something. I just breathed through it and prayed for healing as I had no idea why I was feeling this. Interestingly, a day later on the 12th which would have been the 11th everywhere else, I read the post titled “Archangel Michael to Ascenders and Starseeds on 11-11-11, ” and lo’ and behold he mentioned that we may feel in our heart chakras a pressure as if we might be having some sort of heart attack. I was amazed by this as it was a confirmation for me that what I felt was normal. It then changed my feelings of sadness as I realized this was all part of my letting go. I look at myself in the mirror and I swear I feel and look younger.
James: Ironically on the 10th I had remarked to a friend that I was feeling empty inside [James mentions that he read my note on emptiness.] . maybe I’m not as far off the mark as I thought. And then as I commented before on the previous page I was actually and unbelievably sick all day on the 11th. Maybe it actually was 11/11/11 energies and not just something I ate. Huh, food for thought.
Barbara: I can relate to you, Arthur. Nothing different to my feelings either.
One thing I know about myself is that I have a huge amount of dark energy stuck in childhood that I need to release. I am hoping this 11-11-11 timing will finally enable me to do that piece of work.
Barbara x2: I felt lost yesterday. Not a good feeling. I awoke at 3:00 am with my head stopped up and pouring at the same time, ears hurting. lol I can laugh now. I thought something was horribly wrong…..with me. Now I understand.
Susan: Wow. I’m taking a moment to breathe and think before I type. I know much as shifted, but it doesn’t feel good at all. I experienced powerful, dazzling, energetic impulses during my 11 AM grounding with the earth, and felt an astounding connection with her. After that, my life kicked in. I have a large, severely autistic youngster at home who is physically violent and has me afraid most of the time. I sheepishly admit that I wanted something miraculous to happen that would dispel part (or all!) of the fear and ambiguity that I feel regarding my son and where he fits into the Ascension.
That I would in some way be filled with knowing and understanding and spiritual resources that I hadn’t even thought of yet. That my personal microcosm wouldn’t overwhelm me anymore and I would no longer feel despair. Yada yada. I woke with a start at 4 AM this morning and, without waiting to figure out why, stumbled into the middle of the bedroom to ground again. That big moon was shining in, and the feeling was pure joy and utter safety. Then I went back to sleep. In spite of my continual war with my fears, I (think I) know that I am in some way assisting the grounding of light, at the very least within my own home. I hope that this yields something good within the macrocosm, too. Today, my boy upended his grandmother and, again, I’m staring numbly into space wondering the universal “Why” and trusting that all reasons, all truth will be revealed soon enough. Even what underlies bewildering and frightening stuff like this. 11/11/11 was indeed an up and down day.
K: Actually, today is not at all turning out to be how I planned. I was pretty sick yesterday, woke up today feeling a lot better, still a little sick today, but not nearly as much as yesterday. I really don’t understand why yesterday and today….of all days, I am sick. I meditated a little today, and figured if my physical vibes were going to be low due to illness, I might as well raise my energetic vibes; well that didn’t work out either. When I tried raising them, it was like this invisable force feild was in my way, it was like a ceiling that wouldn’t let my vibes raise past it. I am pretty confounded as to why this barrier is there. Pretty depressing actually. Today is not at all what I anticipated. Today really sucks actually, which is a huge disapointment.
Spiritual and Unusual Experiences Reported
S: Just before falling asleep AAMichael, my TF and my Andromedan Guide all came through to tell me they LOVE me!
Jane: I felt lots of love that day (and I saw a Star Ship for the first time in the day light—I have seen them glittering almost every night for the past 4 months now, and it’s wonderful!)
Leslie: Today, on 11-12-11 I asked my companion to wake me up early to see the full moon. The time was 4:22 AM. What happened to me was one of the most unusual experiences I have encounter with the moon. I looked at it directly without the binoculars. What I experienced was a burst of energy in that I actually saw a sliver lining. I felt the impact, and felt as though I was pushed backwards. It was harmless, but exciting.
Rick: At 10:15 a.m. I started listening to my CD titled “Musical Rapture”. About 15 minutes before 11 a.m. I sat in a comfortable chair and started saying some affirmations. At exactly 11 a.m. I affirmed that “I am open to the patterns of perfection for Heaven on Earth to flow through me into the physical plane” as suggested by Patricia Cota-Robles. I repeated that 3 times (just because it felt right), then spent the next 20 minutes focusing on and experiencing each breath as a gift. The CD continued to play until it ended a couple minutes before I stood up. Although it was subtle, I could feel that SOMEthing was happening within me, mostly in my upper chakras.
Phoenix: Shortly before 11:11, I sat at my desk and did a simple meditation just focusing on gratitude and loving kindness. Very peaceful feelings. Had a vision of viewing the earth from space and looking down as each time zone passed through 11:11. Saw sparks of white light appear on each continent, kind of like flash bulbs going off on cameras, but each flash represented one individual tuning into the energy. Flashes became more and more frequent until it was like sparkles. Rested in the energy, channeled it through the top of my head into the earth, then walked outside and grounded. Still very peaceful, focused, and calm.
Penny: Very succinctly, I am feeling a total peace and Love for all humanity.
Felt Great
Annie: Overall, I felt the “Continence of Buddha” – peaceful, calm, centered, just observant. Feel the same today (11-12-11) – just want to be around myself. Such Majik!
Maria: Hi. Mine went really well, this energy went up to my throath, it felt warm and I saw the number 555
Nathan: I feel a sense of bliss, excitement, vibrance kind of like a really great day, but still a bit better. I have been having all kinds of ideas, designs lately, which I am furiously writing down in a note-book. There is a confident clarity within me. Very empowering, really!
Also my senses all seem to extremely sensitive. Perfumes, chemicals, cleaners I find repulsive and have to leave the room, while food, natural smells, my wife and children smell intoxicating! Trucks drive by and I feel the vibrations pulsing through the earth.
Meditations have become pretty intense, with all kinds of energy surges and warmth around my heart. I also felt tingling through my legs and feet during focusing upon connecting with or anchoring with the earth.
Expressing love to my wife and kids feels so much more fun, enjoyable and natural. My soul is incharge now!
To sum it up, I general feel like I am on NZT like in the movie “Limitless”
Carol: We both felt so clean spiritually and relaxed. All day long I have felt calm and relaxed.
Shanti: Awoke with great expectations. Considered ringing in sick and having the day off to meditate alone at our property, and decided instead to go to work and share the love. Took my break at 11:11 am, quite by accident! Spent some time in the pedestrian arcade under a shady tree anchoring into the earth. Nothing exceptional during the day apart from little moments of unexplained joy bubbling up. However, on the way home, I felt like I was in very deep and peaceful state of meditation, one that I have only felt previously after a meditating collectively for days. It was remarkable because I was alone and not even attempting to ‘get into’ that state.
Also felt waves of what seemed like mild electric energy surging through different parts of my body. On the drive home I ‘noticed’ trees on the side of the road that I hadn’t really looked at before. It seemed as though they were aware of me…or perhaps more accurately, I was aware of them, as beings….
All in all, not disappointed, and anticipating more and better feelings of connection to ALL THAT IS.
Slept a Lot
Michelle: Well, I think I received the energy tsunami right in the face ! So far, I can’t count how many hours I slept ! Friday night, I slept nine hours, being frequently awake at 12:12, or 3:33 or 4:44. etc. And dreams ! Lots of dreams !
Up and Down
Rock306: As the day went on I went outside and immediately felt a sense of peace and joy. For some reason I thought NOTHING can stop me from having this feeling. It felt good. Then later I felt old energies and fears of the past come back at me which made me feel empty and tired. When I got back to my home I was so tired I slept for an hour. then later that night I woke slept 11 hours and woke up today really refreshed.
Lisa: Gosh I too have been up and down with the energy stuff. Been riding these waves for awhile before the ‘big day’……this is a very vulnerable and fragile space I find myself experiencing, kinda feel stunned.
James: I was outside at 11:11 and felt a surge of energy flood into me, just as the sun came from behind a bank of clouds.Unfortunately, I let vasanas keep coming up, due to the situation where I’m living, magnified by the energy of the day…and had to remind myself that it was OK – at least I saw it for what it was.
Mickey: Today I’ve been on and off.. sometimes thinking I can perceive new energies and sometimes not; and feeling disappointed or frustrated, so I can certainly understand where you’re coming from Arthur.
Many Good Results, One Big Good Result, or Just a Great Day
James: A huge force of ENERGY surged up my central channel in my spine, and this great force reverberated (my body was vibrating) throughout my whole body for 15 minutes as the sun rose. I was doing my heart meditation (3 fold flame) and engulfed the Earth in Violet Flame and The Blue ray of Divine Will and Power while this was happening and some words came to me in my mind “My Son, you have prepared yourself for this, this is being done because of your service.” I was extremely grateful and cried for about 30 seconds. It is now several hours later, and I have aches throughout my body.
Gayle: Did “The Children of the Sun” meditation last night, as I have other activities planned for tonite…
Some mild vibrations all the way through, but at the end, HUGE light energies started pounding through my head: one going through my forehead to the back of my skull, and one going into the top of my head and down my spine.
Lasted, I guess, for a couple of minutes, and then just stopped. I was so exhausted I couldn’t move, just sank almost immediately into sleep. Wow!
Stephen: As suggested, we got out into nature – the back garden and lay down (almost naked) on the earth.
Tuning into the energy was spectacular for both of us. The colours were intense but not necessarily the colours I was expecting or used to.
Instead of the blue/violet healing light we both enjoyed sumptuous quantities of this intense and hugely calming, happy, smiling rose quartz pink, that just kept coming and coming and coming. Peach tones at times but mostly this intense rose colour that was incredibly strong…all into the third eye and pituitary, of course… In between was a pale blue/lilac and a paler olive green – but mostly this intense rose pink. On and On and On it came!
Even after we stopped and “woke” and looked up at the sun it was pink all around! (with sunnies on).
Bliss: Since then I have had intense moments of tears (crying) yet with incredible calmness and my fingers and toes are tingling like you can’t believe! Like electricity – WOW!
Sergio: Interesting day 11/11/11. I loved this day. I feel a lot of energy and vibrations around me…. I feel a lot of vibrations in my head. It’s a weird sensation but I like it.
it seems vibrations are pulsating in the top of my head … I never experienced this sensation and I feel a lot of joy during my day… it’s really unusual for me. Because I never laughed much since my childhood.
Aimee: I had an intense experience. [Aimee goes on to describe her experience at a group meditation during which] the concept [of loving one's self] completely pierced my heart. Tears were running down my face. It was a very intense meditation.
There were a lot of colors, visuals, too many details to list.. basically, it was all about unity/oneness and self love – that we’re all connected through Source.
Jane: I felt tingles which energized my body & health complete. That night, I was wakeful, but realized hugely, that Source Energy was breathing ‘me’ and I was without time or locality or a physical sense of a body. This lasted about 5 minutes. I comprehended that’s where we are going – beyond space and time
Mathew: Unlike the 2007 Fire the Grid meditation where I felt nothing, this time I felt a tingling in my heart, and was overcome with tears of gratitude, compassion and joy during both an 11:11 am GMT meditation and again during an 11:11 pm GMT meditation. After the second meditation, I sat down to journal my feelings and ended up spontaneously channeling a message from the angels — something I have not been able to do for 2 years!
Bliss: I had a most wondrous day. The days and week leading up I felt the energy building inside me and vibrating. a pressure, ringing in my ears. The day itself was full of energy and joy and some tears, letting go and so forth.
I received activations and realizations on what I am to do and felt so blessed to be where I am, able to take time out and do what needed to be done.
Seeing everything differently
A feeling of complete presence and balance
Manon: I had an amazing day, and am still basking in that. I meditated and was flooded with waves of bliss that were also quite painful, and I had access to something much much larger than myself. When I stopped meditating the waves continued. Have no idea what I did in the early afternoon. Then went down to the park around 4, it was the first time outdoors and I felt myself as enormous with a very small body. Felt like I could ‘see’ with my inner eye waves of energy rolling off everything. Space itself was thick, like water.
On the 12th everything was much less intense and could tap into continual waves of bliss that were just that – not bittersweet like they were on the 11th.
Feel very at peace this morning (13th here).
Kyra: I continued to walk and clean, and after much clumsiness on my part, I popped through into perfect clarity, past all archetypes and all versions of self, into the liquid crystal inner sea.
And soon thereafter, under the full moon, that lighted my way perfectly although by now it was past midnight.
I entered a long corridor where the tree canopy met overhead … And this tunnel turned into a portal, and i couldn’t help but say, “Wow we can fly! Whenever we are ready, we can fly”. I was shown the portal into our multidimensionality, and shown it is always available, and waiting for me, as I raise my frequency to meet it.
And I asked that this feeling be branded deep within every cell, my mind, my hear, my spirit so that I can always come back to it, and take that ride.
Jack: This morning I awoke with the energy of that portal calling to me, and know that my life has been forever changed.
I experienced the day as a mass energetic opening yet I felt the importance of remaining deeply anchored in the heart chakra as I sensed immense energy being stirred up within and without. Like Steve, mine was one of ups and downs, though I have had enough of these sorts of experiences energetically to understand that it shall pass and that it is a natural occurrence that will later inform my understanding and respect for all that is.
why are people still
why are people still listening to the "galactic federation". Isn't it obvious they are decieving people. They get people excited for 11:11, take their energy and use it. 11:11 is probably special but on a much subtler level. Its is a personal level not one to get the whole community drooling over. They use the same tactics as the cabal, they're just a higher level up. I think it's funny, especially since Steve has said multiple times that he serves archangel michael, and has refered to him as lord multiple times. Isn't that the exact problem that got us here in the first place, givin our freedom to external forces. what a joke lol
could you give us an example~~~
Since We are a Part of the Galactic Federation of Light, we would like you to give us an example of just how we have decieved you....as we see it the only deciever is the ego....This entire event is about Loveing Yourselves and Loving Each other...We feel we have stated this over and over again. So Thank You for enlightneing us and give us some examples. All our Love and Joy, Mother and Father God
Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!
If you can't see the proof
If you can't see the proof then maybe it's not for you