, 7/24/13, Cynthia Thorp
One of my favorite quotes is: “Choice creates awareness.”
It’s a quote from Dr. Dain Heer, co-host of the Conversations in Consciousness show with Access Consciousness founder Gary Douglas.
I like it because it’s simple, and profound. The very first time I ever heard him say it, I thought of it in a very straight-forward way. If I choose something, I will get the awareness from my choice. And for the most part, that wasn’t really a new concept in my world. I’d been choosing things based on consequences, since I was 2, so it wasn’t such a big stretch for me to realize that in addition to that I was also receiving awareness.
But then I started to ask myself AFTER choosing things, what awareness did that choice give me? At first I got very simplistic awarenesses. I got things like the awareness that I didn’t really like something, or that I only thought I wanted the thing I chose, or that I don’t really enjoy hanging out with that person, etc.
Then one day I realized something interesting. There were many, many things I’d fantasized about, but had never chosen – and when I finally chose them, weren’t nearly what I thought they were. Then I noticed another really cool thing. Once I chose something, I had more awareness about the choices beyond that choice. I could clearly see choices that I’d never been able to see before.
Since the “Choice creates awareness” concept, I’ve suspected that I’ve become a choice-aholic. I choose stuff just to see how they feel, or to experience the choice, or to see what choices lie behind it. It’s quite freeing and I highly recommend it!
Dr. Heer’s quote actually comes with a second part. The full quote is: “Choice creates awareness. Awareness doesn’t create choice.” (This is the part where the profound piece comes in.)
For years I spent time researching different religions, philosophies, and ways of experiencing the world. I learned how to meditate, how to achieve inner peace, how to live a balanced life, and studied lots of methods to achieve happiness. If it was something I was drawn to, I studied it until I understood the practice, method or strategy.
I had more awareness about what could make a person happy than the most people on this planet. I had read. I had studied. I could have taken an exam on the topic and gotten at lease a B+. Now, here’s the fascinating thing….I wasn’t choosing to do most of what I learned. Awareness didn’t create choice.
What the heck was that? Why wasn’t I choosing happiness? What was I waiting for? What was missing?
I had about two dozen (or more), beliefs about happiness standing between me and my choice to be happy. Quite frankly, I might have continued to buy courses, listen to recordings, and purchase books for another twenty years had I not come across this simple tool.
“Choice creates awareness. Awareness does not create choice.”
To this tool, I added a simple question. Will this choice make me happier than I am right now? It was my divining rod, my compass, my light out of my darkness. Within months I had made thousands of choices, each choice led me to another and another. Each choice led me to the life and living that I currently enjoy. Each choice led me to a life that I had never knew or imagined was possible before I started my choice-adventure.
For me, happiness was my target. I wanted the kind of happiness that is a constant companion, regardless of what difficulties I encounter. I knew that lightness of being was possible for me and I began asking questions of everything until I achieved it.
What is it that you would like to create in your life? What do you know is possible for you? Would you be willing to begin a choice-adventure of your own?
With Ease and Joy,
Cynthia Torp
Director, The One World Puja Network