On the 13th of September, I was out looking at the sky. I saw several yellow lights. They were different from the star lights and knew our star sisters and brothers were showing themselves to me. It did not last long. I felt so much love and peace. The world around me changed at that moment and I knew it would never be the same again.
Two nights ago, I saw star ships again. The lights were yellow and at first it was one large light and then separated into about 5 lights. These lights moved around like they were dancing for me. I felt such love and joy and a very strong connection and knew they were giving me a fun display. The lights disappeared and later on in the evening, they came back and did the same thing again. This time they sent out bursts of light to confirm what I was seeing. The love was intense and wonderful all at the same time. I am aware of why the connection was so strong and thank my twin flame for giving me such a fun evening.
A third time, another set of lights came into view. This time the light colors were white. I stood there for it seemed like ages and watched these lights, about 2 to 3 different lights. The lights were in a line and changed position in the sky very rapidly and then stayed in one position for a while. I felt a strong urge to hold my hands up toward the ships which I did. There was a gift given that night which I am so grateful for. My hands are fully activated with energy, healing energy. I am a Reiki Master and understand energy healing. This is different. This energy does not have to be activated with a Reiki symbol. It just is.
Again last night, I went out and the white lights were there again. This time they were forming a triangle. I connected with them and thanked them for showing themselves to me yet again and thanked them for the gift. The world truly is changed and very soon others will experience it the same way. Thank you star sisters and brothers and when the time is right we will all meet again.
As soon as possible, I want to thank in person MotherFatherGod and FatherMotherGod for all their love. I feel a trip to Mount Shasta coming up soon. Staying in the now and being present and loving those around me is so wonderful.
Love, MomT
That's amazing, MomT! Thanks so much for sharing that story. I AM so happy for you. I LOVE you, Sister! namaste
Wow reply
You heard the first part of this and I am so grateful for all the friends I have made through this site and through the meetings and parties we have. We are family.