~What Can We Expect?~
I was surprised to receive a number of emails saying that people had not heard from me in three days and wondering if the dark had gotten me. The dark is not going to get me. And it isn’t going to get you either.
Yes, they are not gone completely. But it is safe enough to open our eyes at least and look around us.
In fact I took a weekend off, the first in memory, and just spent some quiet time with my wife. I may do this every weekend. I’ve been going now for more years than I can remember and asking my wife to put up with it too. The time has arrived to take a few days off a week.
I didn’t know what to do with all that free time. I’ve forgotten whatever it was I used to do. Relaxing was hard work.
And then I noticed how the way I was feeling mirrored events around me.
Have you noticed that we haven’t had a Hurricane Katrina, a Haitian earthquake, a midwest flood, or a massive snowstorm in months? How eerily quiet it is without cabal-induced disasters. I’m left to wonder if life would not always have been this quiet and peaceful if it were not for all the tragic wars and life-threatening weather events the cabal has been causing since time out of mind.
In the Fifties, the West having been convinced that it had won a war for democracy and that the returning soldiers should be well-treated, life was – at least on the surface – calm and peaceful. The biggest concern boys growing up had was keeping their ducktails in place and hiding their cigarettes from their folks.
In the Sixties, those same children grew up and wanted to translate social conscience into public life. They began to say no to war, to question authority, and to reject the idyllic but conformist life their parents appeared to have chosen.
They thought the New Age had arrived. It was the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, harmony and love abounding.
Close, but not quite yet. Off by perhaps fifty years.
That first rebellion was squashed by the relentless momentum of the dreadful machine of the military-industrial complex. Little did we know that the scenario for the takeover of the world had been set even then and that a relentless agenda was in motion to drain all our world’s resources and wealth and hand it over to a small elite. Few believed the revolting students then, even though that machine killed a president, and little of what that generation did survived their entering the job market and raising families.
Just how bad it got is what David Wilcock has just been showing us. (1) And now we’ve awoken just short of it being too late. In fact it would never have been too late, but the reasons for that are almost as unbelievable to most as the cabal’s dark intentions are to others.
SaLuSa says:
“Bear in mind that before you came into this lifetime, you knew that you would be part of the Ascension process and many of you would have special work to do. That shows how well God’s plan has been made to ensure completion in the time scale given. Everything was planned from the very beginning with perfection, and that means the dark Ones were destined to failure.” (2)
Ascension? God’s Plan? Galactics? Us having made promises before we were born? The truth is almost as hard to accept as the conspiracy.
And so now, after what has been for some decades of fighting against injustice, war-mongering, exploitation, and oppression, we have our first taste this month of something resembling peacefulness and it’s enough to drive a person crazy. Japan will not sink under the waves. The malicious wars against Afghanistan and Iraq will not be extended into Iran. All the legislative measures to take away our freedoms will go nowhere.
Though the danger has not been finally removed, it has been so badly crippled as to be unable to mount significant fresh or lasting offensives.
So now here we are, made redundant by automation, robbed of work by offshore outsourcing, defending our houses against foreclosure, abandoned by the medical system (at least in America), attending schools starved of funding, hanging on by our fingers and toes.
We’re in a transitional phase. The attack upon us is gradually ceasing but the restoration work has not yet begun. We haven’t yet seen the wonders of the New World but the storm at sea has ceased and we’ve spotted a land bird or two on the wing.
After so much conflict and stress, do any of us know how to relax any longer? Before the Abundance Program begins and the new governments take office, can we afford to relax? What is our destiny? When will the first signs of Spring reveal themselves? And what can we expect?
(1) David Wilcock, “FINANCIAL TYRANNY: Defeating the Greatest Cover-Up of All Time,” Jan. 15, 2012, at http://divinecosmos.com/start-here/davids-blog/1023-financial-tyranny
(2) SaLuSa, Jan. 16, 2012, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm