A Message from the Earth Allies
~ What Happened with the Dream Machine? ~
~ Earth Ally Will HARADER~
~QUOTE FROM HIS ARTICLE "THE TRUTH ABOUT THE DREAM MACHINE" ~The illusion has been called the dream machine and this is probably a more accurate term to use. When you know you're dreaming, what do you have to fear? This is what illusion is, only a dream and it certainly doesn't have to be a nightmare. The dream machine is the program, the thought loop, that supports the illusion. It didn't always function the way it does now, humanity use to be able to tell illusion from Reality. Then some beings decided they knew better and started tweaking the dream machine. They piled illusion on top of illusion and capped it off with the illusion that the illusion was real. People became divided against themselves and were mired so deep in illusion they became it's slave. They who originally messed up the dream machine became the leaders, as they were the most proficient at spinning the lies humanity now believes. Now the Moment has come for the Dream Machine to return to Its Original Function, Love Mirroring Love!
At the very center of your Self, is the Divine Spark of Source. This is where Everything comes from, and where Everything returns to. The Energy flowing from Source is so great, that a transformer is needed to slow the Energy down enough so that it can be experienced. This is where the Soul Housing come in. The Soul Housing surrounds Source and slows the Energy down. This is the Core of your Being. The Soul is your Being, but in this state it's still All One, so something more is needed to experience the individual aspects of Being, this would be the dream machine. Everything is still All One, but within the dream it's possible to experience the Endless Aspects of this Oneness as individual pieces. It's seeing Eternity for its Endless Moments. What I just explained is actually the Holy Trinity spoken of in many religions, though the religions thoroughly confused the whole thing. To put it simply: Creation Gave Birth To Experience. Creation is the Father aspect of God, the Giving Birth is the Mother aspect of God and the Experience is the Son/Daughter aspect of God. Creation=Source=Father. Conception=Soul=Mother. Experience=Dream=Son/Daughter. Perfect and Whole in its Simplicity.
More: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/message-earth-allies-what-happened-dream-machine