WE are speaking to you as awakened beings Free. In Truth you are a Unique Pure Consciousness=Spirit=God=Love. The mind/ego are not who you are. The mind/ego attempted to disrupt the natural flow of UnconditionalLove [ which is also the same as Creation] by grasping onto the illusion of the outer, with all the beliefs and constructs of what it thinks experience is.
When ignorance occurred it came out of the many fantasie's, illusions, and superstitions. It was through the sharing of the false information that their was something outside of self that had power over you. So then everyone began giving their "Life Force energy" away [ reheart you life force energy belongs the being, for this is Creation] So they began giving away their own power to attachments outside of "Self".
To read the full Message: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/what-happened-planet-e...