This Is What Happens When You Allow Your Country To Become Enslaved To The Bankers

Rain's picture

Market Daily News
August 20, 2012

Michael Snyder: Why are Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal and so many other countries experiencing depression-like conditions right now? It is because they have too much debt. Why do they have too much debt? It is because they allowed themselves to become enslaved to the bankers. Borrowing money from the bankers can allow a nation to have a higher standard of living in the short-term, but it always results in a lower standard of living in the long-term. Why is that? It is because you always have to pay back more money than you borrowed. And when you get to the point of having a debt to GDP ratio in excess of 100%, you are basically drowning in debt. Huge amounts of money that could be going to providing essential services and stimulating your economy are now going to service your horrific debt. Today, citizens in Greece, Spain, Portugal and Italy are experiencing a standard of living far below what they should be because the bankers have trapped them in endless debt spirals. Sadly, the vast majority of the people living in those countries have absolutely no idea what is at the root cause of their problems.

The truth is that no sovereign nation on earth ever has to borrow a single penny from anyone. In theory, there is nothing stopping a government from printing up debt-free money and spending it into circulation. But that is not the way our world works.

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submilinal message?

Guest's picture

I am sorry but just wondering if I'd be the only one to notice in the illustration of this article a possible submilinal message camouflaged in the foul smog near the up-left corner, just above the bankster's shoulder, appearing to be a big-sized English word "SEX"?? Anyone see the same thing as I do? Thanks.