What I am feeling

KAISUN's picture

As the energies strengthen,As the love swells within my/our being I find myself sitting with my eyes closed more.I speak less,i feel more.Instead of saying through language i send light through my being to all creation.This is the way I find myself communicating as we make more and more headway through this ascension process.My heart space feels like a water balloon thats about to burst into a typhoon of wonder.

The less i expect and predict,the more I see in truth.The more i see in truth the 

more thruths reveal themselves to me.Now,we all know there is only one truth and that is love,but love has many lessons.Love teaches us how to be still amongst it all.Love shows us how to move in truth,not in haste,but in the now.Move through how we feel,without fearing how we feel.



In Every Moment,Embrace the all,Embrace the Love.


Peace be Dear Hearts!