What if you knew you were Living the Divine Plan?

Lia's picture


~What if you knew in every cell of your body, that you were living a Divine Plan…A Plan so important, and vital for the evolution of humankind. What if you knew that everything that was happening right now, that doesn’t fit your ego ideal, is happening to support you in stepping out of the smallness of your darkest thoughts…And into the brilliance of your biggest Dream~ ~ Debbie Ford (~The Shadow Effect~)


~From Lisa Blackman~

~Only love will heal our world. Only love will make us expand. Only love will open the heart and heal the soul. Only love will get us through the darkness. Only love creates the light. Only love can generate the heat of the night. Only love is real,… the rest is just the past that needs to be healed. It’s just an illusion to keep you in seclusion. It’s the ego fighting with the soul. Only love can make everything all right. Only love can slay the dragons that lay within the mind. Only love can replace pain with passion. Only love will heal the wounding of our world. Only love will come to you when your heart is open. Only love will heal your heart when it’s been broken. Only love will open all the doors. It evens all the scores. Only love will see you through it all, and make all your dreams come true. Only love is real. Only love can turn make believe into reality. Only love can turn the water into wine. Only love can make all of your work worthwhile. Only love can make you feel really good inside. Only love creates the divine within your soul. Only love can turn the illusion of our separateness into The truth of our oneness.

