What is the Shaman's Death?

MaAlaea's picture


I thought it might be good for me to present this article on "spiritual" death of the shaman.  Almost all lightworkers have the ability to be shaman, today.
By Bruce Luther
What is a Shaman's Death and who's likely to have one? The death itself is a suspension between worlds, states of consciousness. The individual today, which is likely to have a "Shamanic Death," is chasing extinction itself. Through that process, the person is readying him/herself to stand on a bridge, between space and time. 
Native American Tradition, from my limited knowledge of it, describes a ritual of preparation - preparing the initiator to burn away his/her world they were born into, removing any trace of familiar surroundings and belongings. The ritual continued in complete insolation to the tribe. The isolation took place in caves, and even in a grave excavated by the apprentice him/herself. 
The ancestors of the Shamans had learned the hard way of their chosen path. It demanded an innate understanding of [soul travel] and how to control it. The Shamans were born with a mark. The mark was well hidden until they had been recognized by the elders. Because of the ideas that surrounded the practice, it keeps most away from it. A Shaman's death was a real death to them. 
In today's world, the solitude begins for the Shaman in streets and homes of the modern society. The initiator has a strong sense of being in an unfamiliar time and place. Nothing seems as it should. It's hard for the apprentice to function and take a place in the foreign surroundings of his/her environment. Many times they act out in fits of madness (ME:  because in the old tribal ritual, the "yell" was what shifted the reality).
The strain of trying to assimilate is over-powering. They abandon the idea of becoming their true self altogether. Many turn to easier solutions, such as drugs or any means to release the suffering. Some find their way through the use of narcotics and controlled substance. They long for the isolation, the preparation needed to stand once again between realities. 
Ancient tribal customs would create a 4 day ritual which surrounded the "shaman-to-be".  Without too much detail, here, the elders guided the youth who was about to be brought up in the shamanic secrets - into a tranced state for an extended period of time with guidance and love, although with intense emotions and dance. This experience of the altered state presented to the initiate the real world beyond 3D.  After this ritual, the new shaman would maintain his or her life in sequestered harmony with the extended family... so that he or she would always be able to gain access to the world beyond without too many daily demiands made.
During these days, many lightworkers are having experiences which as Campbell quoted... seeming like a schizophrenic crackup because westerners are not trained in this type of nurturing for a born spiritual mystic.  So without the understanding and support, the shaman must usually in struggle, experience the "shift" singularly.  It is a very difficult time and is much misunderstood. 
Mitakuye Oyasin (to all my relations)


Mitakuye Oyasin.

gaiasdaughter's picture

Thank you.  If I were to apply that to my life of the last 59 years, it seems to fit pretty well...

I needed to hear this.