"What's Love Got To Do With It" Taryn Crimi

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“What’s love got to do with it” Today we would like to speak about love, we humorously have chosen the title from a famous song on your planet. We find this title to be quite appropriate for our discussion today because we want to focus your attention on the misconceptions of love on your planet and the misdirection of where you are trying to find it. There are many forms of love as you know them, the love you have for your child, the love you have for your spouse, the love you have for your mother and father, the love you have for your friends, the love you have for your animal friends just to name a few. All of which humans would say that the “love” they have for each one of those relationships are different. And it’s true that humans do experience a form of love. However what we want to speak about is true, unconditional all encompassing love; for many have forgotten what it’s like to feel that kind of love, the love that is so abundantly available in the higher realms. You were showered with unconditional love continuously when you were in the higher dimensions. You are still being showered with that love however it’s much harder for you to feel it in the denser realities. It is what all of you are continuously yearning for.

Millions upon millions of souls are searching for something to bring them that feeling of unconditional love that was so very abundantly felt in the higher realms. Some try to attain that feeling by purchasing an endless amount of material possessions; only to find that they still feel empty in spite of the massive amount of “things” they have amassed. Others search for that love in other people; trying to find the “perfect” person who will complete them and bring them that feeling of unconditional love. Still others are continuously searching for the next big thrill, something that will bring them that feeling of elation that they so badly want to recapture. Part of the experience of coming to 3d &4d Earth was that you would slip behind the veil of forgetfulness and you would not remember much of who you truly are, or what you truly are capable of. However one thing that you have not been able to forget was the blissful feeling of the unconditional love that we are speaking of. It’s what drives you all. Everyone is searching and yearning for the same thing, they are just searching for it in different ways. You have continued on your never ending search in the lower dimensions trying to fill that void in some way or another.

Now we do not mean to dishearten you by pointing out what you have been searching for without giving you the map to finding the treasure that you seek. We wanted to begin by pointing out that what often times humans think of is love, really isn’t love at all. True love is unconditional, it knows no boundaries. Love is pure elation and bliss. Many search for their “soul mate” the one who will bring them true happiness and complete their being. Nothing can complete you or bring you happiness, true joy comes from within, it is who you are, it’s not something that you need to acquire; you already have it because it’s what you are made of. The divorce rates in your world are so very high because humans have placed unrealistic expectations on the other person. After the newness of the relationship wears off, they are simply left to deal with the feeling of an empty void because they are looking for it in another person when really it has been inside them the whole time.

We wanted to speak about the topic of love to direct your focus back to “within” yourselves. In a world that is consumed with consuming, it’s time to find the inner peace that you are really craving. We all want the same thing, we want love. It cannot be found in another person, in an object that you desire, in food that you consume. Yes all of those things certainly can add a tremendous amount of joy into your lives, but only if you have found the joy and peace with in yourselves first. These things cannot bring you the joy if you don’t already have it. Winning the lottery can bring you riches but what good will they be if you are still miserable? But many on your world say “but if I had that money then I would be happy, the lack of money is what is bringing me misery” And to that we would say your misery is bringing you lack. You must first find the love with in yourselves before you can truly be able to achieve the happiness and peace that you are yearning for. It can never be attained from something outside yourself; only from within.

We hope that our message about love today was helpful and in some way has brought you some clarity. In love and light, we are your angelic guides.


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