~ Whats Really Going On, On Planet Earth=Heart? Upgrades In Process

Lia's picture

Join us Live Today Beginning at 11am Pacific at this Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress

All Are Invited to Participate in Taking our Planet Back!!!!

Greetings Love Beings, WOW Intensity continue's On Planet Earth=Heart. Upgrades, Transformations and many people now transitioning off the Planet. Love is On the Move. You can Join Us Live Today for Our Weekly Meeting. We have moved this meeting from Monday's To Sunday's Beginning at 11Am Pacific As We discuss What is Really Happening On Planet Earth=Heart

Topics of Discussion:

Latest Energy and Event Update Before its released WOOHOO

Unity Project  Forward Movement? Its the Moment to Take Our Planet Back

11~11 Gateway Importance

Solar Flares Explosion Symptoms and Experinces

These Monster Energies and what is really Going ON

Disclosure Explosion and The People's Voice Launched today

The Times they are a Changing and Fast Discussion

Earth Changes Report And the Significance of 10,000 Leaving at Once and So Much More

Feel Free to Bring any topics or questions for us!

See You There Love the Earth Allies

Hope is Just Ahead






