When Love can See Love, Brilliance occurs.

glr_Andrea's picture


MGod shared this letter and I could not help but post it, for I See and Feel so much Love in it... and it's a Love that Mirrors Love which make All Equal in Love.

~ A spiritual energy print of Mother God created by Regie Saxerud~

Just want to wish you the most wonderful 2012 birthday.  How do you tell a God they are amazing?  I know you don't so much need to hear that as a God knows that already and doesn't need to be reassured of their brilliance... But you are exceptional and it's because you have been able to hold so much love - at the most inhuman frequency (relatively) - when there was so little else of it around to bounce it back to you.  That takes the most incredible strength, courage, generosity and compassion. 
You have also been a most wonderful inspiration for me.  I used to feel so lonely - like I was a freak of nature - and I nearly gave up on my soul throughout my twin awakening.  The thing I can confidently say that kept me going was reading your updates because they resonated when nothing else did.  I still don't remember how I found you guys but the most stand out thing is you on a video reading about the greateness of love in the sunshine and I thought, you sound like me had I ever been able to speak with my true voice.  I hung on to that thread and it not only got me through such terrible pain but it's the reason I've made it to here and didn't give up on love.  THANK YOU.
Please CHECK OUT THE ATTACHED.  It's from everyone at ESN to wish you a happy birthday!  It's a spiritual energy print created by Regie Saxerud - a totally selfless, loving, gifted artist  and ESN-er - you probably know her!  I know she knows you and it made her cry to make it for you - she could feel your energy.  The prints express our energies and yours will have features in it that are unique to your energetic blueprint and journey.  If you need interpretation Regie helps with them too.
I hope you have had the most wonderful birthday and thank you so much
Tan  ♥ ♥ ♥
This song is for you:
