By Evita Ochel
Guest Writer for Wake Up World
Right now as you read this, you know yourself to be living on a planet called Earth in a physical incarnation that you share with about 7 billion other people and over 8 billion other living species. In this solar system that we are in, we think of ourselves as being one race of human beings, sharing one planet and one reality. But do we really?
When we examine this fact on a deeper level of awareness, we begin to realize that there are many more worlds within this one world that we envision ourselves to be living in. What is more so, is that there are numerous realities as well. And I am not even talking here about the heavy duty ideas of quantum physics, parallel Universes or multiple dimensions. I am simply talking about the fact that each one of us, being a physical individuation of source energy, is its own world and reality. This means that we have about 7 billion worlds sharing one planet.