~Where is Refuge at a Time Like This?~ ~By Love Reporter Steve Beckow~

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~Where is Refuge at a Time Like This?~

~By  Love Reporter Steve Beckow~

In light of what the Galactic Federation said through Blossom yesterday and in light of events around us showing us that things are heating up and moving faster, what can we rely on to see ourselves through this time of heightened … well, heightened everything, really?

When events move faster, when everything seems in motion and up for grabs, when things get more complicated and seeing to the bottom of things becomes more difficult, what can we turn to?  Where is our refuge when all else seems sped up and chaotic?

We cannot turn to more information because information itself has multiplied, Moreover everyone shouts their information at us in a manner designed to win our attention among many competing voices. The usual markers that we can rely on to judge a situation in “normal” times seem to be absent and we may not know how to steer in this environment.

When we can’t turn to information to help us know how to act, what can we fall back on?

Always the reference point to fall back on, the place to retreat into, the source of our strength is our center. Did not Archangel Michael  or Archangel Gabriel talk a few days back about the divine spark, the heart center, the sacred heart, the sacred mind? These are just other ways of saying “the center,” are they not?

All the people who’ve been hit by floods, or displaced by tornadoes, they don’t have the usual resources to fall back on. They must fall back on their center.

People who have lost their jobs or are under financial stress, they no longer have resources to fall back upon. The only thing they can fall back upon, the only thing that is left to us when everything else fails, when relationships collapse, when we get old, when we get sick, is our center.

Happily, our center turns out to be the source of our strength anyways so this is not some intellectual exercise. God so designed life that, like a pearl, our source of strength lies in our center. All of spiritual practice is designed to have us know that same center. So it isn’t mere rhetoric to say this.

So now, apparently, we head into the quintessential time of troubles at the center of the time of troubles and much of what we drew on or leaned on or took sustenance from may not be available to us for a spell. But our center never leaves us and contains the source of strength for us.

I intend to breathe into my center. I intend to feel into my center. I cannot be right in everything I say. I cannot know all the details of what’s happening. I cannot even keep up with the moving frontier of knowledge. So I intend to shepherd my relationship with my center, where Big Steve lives,  where my integrity resides, and my strength and my good estimation of myself.

The whirlwind may blow around us but my attention never leaves my center, call it what you wish. Call it the soul, the heart, the Christ Light, Buddha nature, stillpoint, my original face. The name doesn’t matter. Who I am is founded on that center. Apart from that, all else is elaboration.
