~Whipping Up Some Miracles~
a message from Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
(posted 26 August, 2011)
When two or more gather in intention and heart the universe enfolds and lifts them to a place of miracles made manifest. When a person of wisdom comes together in pure heart and intention to give others his truths and secrets a new grid of light is created and each person light quotient is then increased.
This is a time of deep reflection into a pool of possibility. Each situation in your daily life will touch you deeper and deeper. You can verbally discount the sadness of another by saying it will not affect you but we all know that the frequency of ‘one for all and all for one’ is not just for three musketeers. We as a planet and a collective unit of light are energetically ‘our brother’s keeper’. As a species we are vibrationally and biologically connected for it can be no other way. As the light energy steadily increases in pressure and position we will find many who cannot adjust to this change that is driven by human needs and wants.
Emotions will float to the surface like toxin waste that was once anchored. Playing into another’s dark dialogue and schematics will only clip your wings of light. Wishing a disagreeable person the very best will serve to unplug you from their grid of negativity and move them to a different energetic location. Like attracts like, so if you are walking thru a big pile of cosmic dung do not blame the holy cow or the farmer.
This summer is a time of whipping up some homemade miracles with home baked intention and love as the main ingredient. A big batch of cosmic brownies filled with chunky miracles, stellar chocolate and lots of possibilities. When you see a need for another, energetically fill it. If you see a poor person, send them financial blessings, if you see a lonely person send them love and hugs, if you see someone that is hurting, see that pain as gone. Step up to the plate grab a handful of homemade miracles and share. Every thought counts, every minute of every day.
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - PO box 217 - Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 -