Whistleblower about to 'lift lid on 1000s of UFO files' is GENUINE, says ex-MoD man

will's picture

A FORMER US Naval officer who claims his secrecy agreement with the American Government has expired is vowing to lift the lid on thousands of top-secret UFO files he claims to have seen.

The man, who says he was a third-class petty officer at the Naval Telecommunications Center within NAS Moffett Field from February 1986 to October 1989, also claims he can shed light on the mysterious mass-UFO sighting involving military personal in 1980.

He has yet to be named, but a former British MoD UFO investigator confirmed to Express.co.uk the man is a genuine source, creatinga flurry of excitement within the UFO disclosure community.

Nick Pope, who was charged by the MoD with investigating baffling UK UFO cases, including the Rendlesham incident, said: "I've actually had some personal communication with this individual, and have no doubts about his background.

"It's clear from the language he uses and the information he has that he's a genuine insider."
