~The White House Says We’re Alone. So What’s Going On?~

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~Love Reporter Anne Strieber~


~Whitley's Journal~


~The White House Says We’re Alone. So What’s Going On?~




Over the past 6 weeks 5,387 people signed a  petition asking for disclosure of the government’s knowledge of and  communications with ETs. 12,078 signed a request that the White House formally  acknowledge that extraterrestrial intelligence is engaging with the human race.  Last week, the White House responded,  saying that there was no evidence that extraterrestrials are here and that the  US government has no contact with such beings, and never has had any.

In  other words, total denial. At the same time, a gentleman called  Michael Raduga, who founded an organization called the Out-Of-Body  Research Center has announced that close encounter experiences are really  OBEs, and that there is no such thing as a physical close encounter of the  third kind. Raduga has been quoted thusly: “We tried to right a common  misconception with this experiment – the issue at hand isn’t extraterrestrials,  but hidden human abilities. If you’ve encountered UFOs or aliens after sitting  or lying down, it can now be unequivocally stated that you’ve had a spontaneous  out-of-body experience. We have proven this.”

So two guns, one big and  one small but very media friendly, have both fired just a few months before “Solving  the Communion Enigma” appears.

My book does not prove the ET  hypothesis. Far from it. I’m not even sure that I believe it myself. But what it  DOES prove–and I mean PROVE–is that something unexplained is happening in our  world. For the first time, the true scale of it is examined clearly. In  addition, a group of inexpensive scientific studies is outlined that would serve  to clarify what is really happening. Additionally, in the book, I discuss some  of the reasons that an ET presence would almost certainly be highly motivated to  remain hidden from public view.

Now, I am not opposed to the ET  hypothesis. Far from it. I’m open to the possiblity. I can never forget  General Arthur Exon’s words to me on the telephone when I first talked to  him in 1988: “Everyone from Truman on down knew that what we had found was  not of this world within twenty-four hours of our finding it.”

I had  been introduced to Exon by a lifelong friend of his, my uncle, Colonel Edward  Strieber. He spent his career in Air Force Intelligence and attached to the  Atomic Energy Commission. After he read Communion, he telephoned me and asked me  and Anne to come have lunch with him in San Antonio. Over lunch, he told us  about his knowledge of the Roswell Incident. At the time, I was only  somewhat aware of it. He explained that it was very important, and told me  that he had been present when debris gathered near Roswell had been delivered to  Wright Field in Dayton in 1947, for examination by the Air Materiel  Command.

General Exon told me that, as late as 1988, he was still  attending meetings at Wright-Patterson in order to help current researchers  understand what had transpired in the past because, as he put it, “a lot of it  was too secret to be put in writing, and we had to commit it to memory.” Note  that: so secret that it could not be written down.

Some years  later, Congressman Stephen Schiff (R-NMX) initiated a General Accounting Office  investigation of the incident. The investigators eventually reported that no  conclusion could be reached be cause all of the records from the  Roswell Army Air Field from 1947 to 1952 had been illegally destroyed by  unknown parties.

These two things suggest a truly fantastic level of  secrecy, so I am not surprised at the blanket denial issued by the White House.  The denial is, quite simply, a legal lie. In fact, under the  National Security Act, officials are legally required to lie in order to  protect secrets. This is why the Air Force routinely lies to conceal its own  interest in UFOs. In Solving the Communion Enigma, I cover in detail the  incidents that took place in Stephensville, Texas in 2008. Determined  MUFON investigators obtained radar tracks from the FAA that confirmed what  witnesses on the ground reported: they had seen Air Force jets chasing an  unknown object. And indeed, the radar tracks confirm this.

Understand, in  2008, the Air Force definitely chased an unknown object over  Stephensville, Texas. The witness reports and radar tracks are a matter of  public record.

The White House is saying on its website: “The U.S.  government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an  extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race.  In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is  being hidden from the public’s eye.”

That may be a frank lie, but, then  again, perhaps it is something more subtle. There is overwhelming evidence that  something very strange is happening on planet Earth, and that it involves  something that is at once possessed of unusual skills and powers, and is very,  very strange. What if the government knows for certain that this presence is not  extraterrestrial, but that it has a very different origin. Then they are telling  the truth, just not the whole truth.

I wonder how many more denials and  false explanations will come along prior to the publication of “Solving?” After  “Communion” was published, the media published stories for years about how lie  detectors were unreliable and easily tricked–false stories, in fact. But I  had passed not one but two lie detector tests. During all the years of these  denials, the intelligence services never stopped using polygraphs to vet agents,  and they remain in common use to this day. Why? Because, in competent  hands, the polygraph is an efficient tool.

Just prior to the publication  of my last nonfiction book, “Confirmation,” there appeared in Parade Magazine a  false story to the effect that I had “admitted” that I had temporal lobe  epilepsy and had made a contribution to the Epilepsy Foundation. This story was  entirely false, and flew in the face of the medical evidence I had already  published that conclusively proved that I had no sign of epilepsy or any other  seizure releated disease.

“Solving” is the most provocative and  convincing that I have ever written. It is going to garner a lot of two things:  the first will be denials and fallacious science for the media to embrace; the  second is that it is quite likely to be methodically ignored.

The truth,  though, will not be ignored. Until we face it, we cannot be free, and if there  is any single and consistent human desire that has been expressed across all  nations and through all history, it is the desire to be free.

Everyone  involved in these denials is an oppressor of the human spirit, and as life on  earth becomes more and more difficult, their presence in leaderhship is going to  become harder and harder for people to bear until, in the end, there will be an  explosion against it, and whatever is known behind the scenes will finally be  revealed.

I would not be surprised if it involves a secretive ET  presence here. But I would also not be surprised if it turns out that ET is NOT  here, and that the origin of the strange phenomena that we see all around us is  very much stranger.

Whatever its origins, though, the pheomenon is real.  Over the last two generations, its reality has been amply documented. But what  is the phenomenon?

That is the great question of this age, and, like it  or not, its resolution, when it comes, will restate the meaning of man in the  uiniverse, and inevitably lead to the collapse of the forces that now oppress  and insult the human spirit with their obfuscations and lies.

They know  this. That’s why they deny.

Read the original source: http://www.unknowncountry.com/journal/white-house-says-were-alone-so-whats-going#ixzz1d7bmqdyu


