Predrag's response on comments:
Not only that it has been read, it has been written by US...
How do you KNOW it is contrary of we posted here before?...
Who are we to tell you what is right or wrong?.... And how would you react if I tell you this message is one of the most truthful ones for time that is just ahead of US?....
What if I tell you this site never had wrong messages, as we ALL here truly know there is no Wrong and Right message... Message just IS... but how you interpret it, that is different story... Do you interperet it from Heart of analized it from mind?...
How do you react on it, this is important... Are you reacting on events around you, not seeing your True self, and letting your self go with a flow of Life?...
Do you see perfectness in all around You, simply knowing it is there to show me something?... Do you ask self what this Something IS?... How do you truly know that these events will not affect you in any way?...
Simply by not reacting on these events around you... Reacting meaning here, is simply not get driven in to the drama of truth or lie, black or white, jung or jang... patriot or terrorist... yours of mine...
I truly ask for YOU ALL to take this example, and observe your reactions after reading... How did you react, did you judge GFP staff, or you just get the message and went within, knowing that All is perfect...
All is perfect even if comes from GFP or from CNN, as you Know God within... You know who you truly are...
Thank you for daring to comment... As every of these questions raising greatest oportuniy for US to give more Light to our present existance and more Love directly from God...
And, so grateful you used your names in making comments, as this shows great deal of integrity and courage... Thank you for this...
My love and Blessings to US all, Predrag/Saint Germain
it did seem a little confusing. maybe i just read it too fast. bobby
it did seem a little confusing. maybe i just read it too fast. bobby
Just Heyoka!
So many treasures have almost totally been taken away from us... but not yet!
I am speaking about "heyoka"
In every facet of Lakota Sioux life lives the heyoka, the sacred clown.
Every community has one or more. Every SACRED CEREMONY MUST HAVE SOMEONE PLAY THE ROLE.
What does this mean? It means that the heyoka must live BACKWARDS. If people go into the sweatlodge clockwise, the heyoka goes in counter clockwise. When in prayerful chant the heyoka sings a different song. If it is a day of fasting the heyoka pigs out. Sound crazy? Maybe so... but heyoka are considered the sacred teachers, sacred clowns.
What heyoka has taught me:
To laugh,
that everyone plays a different part
That everything is sacred
Not to judge
to lighten up
that heyokas can speed up healing
they know more than I do
they somehow keep the love flowing in community
they keep the vibrations high
we get to talk more
they can be funny to look at
they teach me to laugh at myself (probably the greatest lesson)
And for me.... in one particular heavy duty ceremony from his antics, I was able to see just how much anger I had held onto for decades (I, of course, up to that time, thought I was so spiritual that I didn't have any!!) Soooo, I've cleaned it up. I am forever grateful for heyokas and the mysteriously funny healings they can and do offer... and usually never even know it.
OK, I cannot resist.... that message from the "Compte" to me was just heyoka...
got me to reach out - and be love.
grailheart loving heyokas
Thank you
I am glued to this website, i watch it all day long as i have my own business. I love the message and all the great info it provides at this time in our human history. GFP has provided me with so much inspiration and hope for us and the planet, it resounds truth BIGTIME along with David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford. Thanks to all the staff that make this possible. Thanks so much, marc