Lia's picture

 ~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Predrag~






You are the one who have to realize Freedom for you... There is no one else who will let you out of this 3D prison but You, dear ONES...


There are millions of beings around US, among US, who will show us a Key, and maybe they will even unlock the door, and even they will open the door... They will maybe slightly open this door toward this New Free world...


But, there is always 'but' in these tricky sentences... But, they will not lead us through doorstep, they will not push us to go out in unknown, they will not give us a candy standing out and luring us outside...


It is only YOU who will recognize this freedom outside of this 3D hologram construct... It is only YOU who will by his free choice walk these few steps toward unknown... Yet very exciting and very alluring...


It is only YOU who will take your own FREEDOM in your own hands, and truly remember that same Freedom GOD gave you some time ago.... yet, you managed not to pay attention to this gift simply by chasing money, power,  or pure existence...


It is YOU who is the only responsible ONE, who will let You out of this prison cell called fear/anger/despair/money/duality/conditional/ego/competition.... It is only You, my dear Brothers and Sisters, who will walk this pep walk, this walk of your last fame, this walk of gracious courage....


It is YOU, dear ONES, who will carry this most beautiful key in your heart [because, where you go there is no pockets...], as this key will open any doors on your way toward this New Free World...

When you realize that you carry your Key in your heart, suddenly you will start noticing your piers, friends, your family starting talking about Ascension... What is that?... you dare to ask..


I cannot give you any sane answer, as my knowledge of language is quite limited so I will give you visual description what ascension is for me...


Consider you found this magic Key for this new Free world, where all is possible, where fear does not exists, where only compassion and service for others can reside....


And now you found self in the corridor with so many doors [something like Matrix move, when Neo [or oNe...] end up with Keymaker...], and every door is same except there are signs on each door: ie... Fame, Guilty ones, Eternal Bliss, Funny Office, Quadrillioner's  Hub, Underground Ecstasy, Continuous orgasm, Life Forever, Alkiyon Corporation, Ascension...


And this is the answer on your question: What is Ascension?... Ascension is the sign on door toward New FREE World of 5Dplus...


Ascension is only a doorway toward something familiar, yet almost forgotten millennia ago...


Ascension is only a blink of an eye, or deep breath... where You will truly remember who you really are... but ONLY IF YOU DARE to cross through this doorway without fear...


Otherwise, if there is fear or doubt [simple slight thought that this is not so safe or even not fully FDA approved, or your mum tells you 'watch your self from strange door names'...] you will end up on one of the doorframes mentioned earlier... Or you will go back to the first level of present video game that you are playing... [all your gold is erased, all your manna has been spent...] Yet another round of incarnation [or better yet, another couple of hundred of incarnations to go...]


So, stand Tall, have you Key made of  Love in your Heart, have no fears, Have only freedom in your mind, be brave, full of confidence and wondrous expectations, be proud of your courage, and simply step in to the most exciting and most rewarding doorway you can find in this corridor of life here on Gaia... Called Ascension...


See you soon on the other side of this Ascension doors...


With Love, I AM THAT I AM Predrag



I have always said the key is

World-Bridger's picture

I have always said the key is surrender and the door is Love, The door is within us, we are the door, to unlock the door to our real selves we must completely surrender our ego to Love, it is our desire for service that moves us through the door. All for Love and Love for all, for the glory of Source, the most lovable being in existence of which we are all a part. 

The desire to serve for me, allows pure intention to rule, fear, doubt or the thought of needing courage does not enter the equation when one chooses to serve Source will... What better protection could we possibly have? Be still and know I AM God, there is no reason for fear. 

Much Love! Oneness <3


Lia's picture


Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!