Why aliens might look like you: DNA could be a 'universal constant' - making humans and ET closer to 'cousins'

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Mail Online
By Eddie Wrenn
PUBLISHED:09:23 EST, 11 June 2012

An alien from AliensMaybe something like this? A Klingon from Star Trek has a basic humanoid shape

More like the one on the right: If the theory by astrophysicist Ralph Pudritz is correct, we are more likely to run into a Klingon from Star Trek (right) than an alien from Aliens (almost certainly a good thing)

To anyone who has seen the film 'Prometheus', it will be a very familiar story. Humans and aliens may share the same DNA which could be part of a 'universal structure', according to researchers.

The building blocks of life exist in low temperatures and low pressure meaning they are far more likely to flourish than if they were more complex. Whilst no concrete proof has been found yet, the finding makes it more likely they would develop on strange planets than had previously been thought.

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