by Nancy B. Detweiler
The imminent mass arrests will be of those persons who have perpetrated upon the American people all the ills disclosed in the article listed below. We need to be supportive and do all we can to assist in preventing any violence as Americans react in fear and anger upon learning how thoroughly they have been enslaved by the private owners of the Federal Reserve and their henchmen.
A sufficient number of people in a majority of the states have taken the necessary legal steps to free America from Corporate Rule and sent the paperwork to the International Court of Law in Hague, Netherlands. They have received the necessary Notification Process from the International Court to permit We the People to request the United States Military to ask the Federal Marshalls, with the backing of the local police, to arrest those who usurped our original Constitution and created the United States of America, Inc. and enslaved the people. The military will assist by standing guard in case there is more trouble than the Federal Marshalls and police can handle.
The imminent mass arrests in America will take place at the request of We the People.
You may learn about the actions taken by We the People by reading the transcript of David Wilcock’s interview of a man, Drake, whom the Pentagon asked to proceed with the actions. Before you react in disbelief, read the transcript.
Once you read the transcript and understand what is about to happen, read the article “Who Is Running America?” to comprehend why this action is essential if Americans are to be free.
These two documents will give Americans a good idea as to what is about to happen and why. This will be the most magnificent event in the history of our nation and world because THE PEOPLE HAVE SET THEMSELVES FREE & DONE SO PEACEFULLY!