Why Relaxing Is The Most Productive Thing You Can Do

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When we think of qualities and attributes will get us to where we want to be in life, we normally think of things like motivation, ambition, determination, persistence, work ethic, and productivity. Working 6 or 7 days a week, getting up early, planning, and prioritizing are things that we typically thing of when we think of success and productivity.

But what if all of this was only partly true, and that the best thing you can do to be productive in life is actually the complete opposite of all of those things? Relaxation is something that often gets equated with laziness, but in reality it is one of the most productive things you can do for yourself and your career.

Relaxation allows you to actually get more done by preventing burn out, be more creative by preserving mental energy, keep your mind focused on one thing at a time to improve quality of work, and it allows you to enhance your own energetic state (which is the best thing you could produce). Here are some more reasons why relaxing is the most productive thing you can do:
